First exchange between the two



  1. The dialogue from then to now is night and day. Show is all spectacle now, these great interchanges with variety in pace, diction, flow and that actually reveal character as opposed to plot have been entirely neglected.

  2. This two WAS easily the best player in the game. Watch it again after LF's death. Its hard to scheme against a trained assassin, your own apprentice and a 3eyed raven. And Varys has no significant contribution in the last season.

  3. lol every baelish and varys conversation is basically
    "hello old friend. i know what your up to"
    "yeah but i know what your up to""
    ""i knew you'd say that""
    "i knew you'd say THAT""
    "you don't have a cock""
    "and you want to bang sansa"
    "very well. good day old friend""
    "good day""

  4. Notice how Varys mentions the Queen and Littlefinger mentions the King. It shows that Littlefinger wants to show himself as more loyal to King Robert rather than Queen Cersei. Varys as a Targaryen supporter is more afraid of King Robert.

  5. Phew, this conversation was turning so full of disgusting selfishness and ruthlessness that I was utterly relieved when the Master of Laws interrupted those two schemers! Thank you and well said Lord Renly :).
    PS: And Thank you for this scene, Matthew James ;)!

  6. Holy shit, just thought of something.. If Petyr and Sansa stay with Jon, at least for a while longer, they may be there long enough for an eventual meeting between Jon's party and Daenerys's. Meaning, Varys and Petyr could, once again, stand on the same side of the war. Oh my am I looking forward for that encounter, if it shall be.

  7. translation:
    "I'm smarter than you."
    "No, I'm smarter than YOU."
    "I'm the only person around here who is smart enough to see you fakely sucking up to everyone in sight, playing every winning side until you end up on the throne."
    "Oh cuz you're not doing the exact same shit?"
    "We're friends aren't we? By the way I could get you killed."
    "I could get you killed even easier."


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