In today’s podcast Chris and Jenny talk about what’s likely to happen in season seven of Game of Thrones. We assess Cersei’s ability to hold onto the trone as well as the ambitions of those who oppose her. The political ambitions of the Faceless Men, Jorah’s Greyscale, the Azor Ahai prophecy, the invasion tactics of Dany Targaryen, White Walker magic, the Iron Born’s religion, and a visit from the Iron Bank are topics we cover in this podcast as well as season seven theories (both outlandish and sensible) and predictions.
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  1. So I know this is far fetched but it's kind of interesting to consider… Early in the show Daenerys asks "what is west of Westeros?" Implying that no one knows. What if she becomes Queen but grows tired of it and to take her place without any disruption she has Arya transform into her to appear in public etc and make it seem like she is still ruling so that she can take a small group west of Westeros and basically conquer whatever is there, from nothing, just like she did in Esos.

  2. No I disagree about Sansa, she appealed to Job to drive him into battle, but then once she had him in play, she pulled him back and gave him the hard reality they were facing that Rickon would be dead before the battle even began – And she was right to do that, because as a commander holding another families home I would have killed Rickon on the even of battle as well .. as soon as the playing piece no longer had value. Which ofc at this point if Ramsay lost killing Rickon would be the final word to cause strife, if he won Rickon would be a threat, but the man power would no longer be there so also resulting in his death.

  3. First episode of the new season makes me believe that Sansa is going down a Littlefinger – esque path but I don't believe she killed Rickon. I think the point of her telling Jon to give up on him was to show that she is growing cold to the sentimentality that Jon holds so dear, not necessarily that she's growing evil. I think she will continue to grow as a strong, powerful person, but I just can't see her becoming an evil character. However I could be entirely wrong!

  4. People forget that Little Finger, the Hound, and Tyrion all asked Sansa to let them help her escape Kings Landing and she refused. At first, I thought she was refusing because she didn't trust the men but I think the real reason she refused to be "rescued" is that she wanted to be there and wanted to be Queen.

    There is a saying "When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time". In the first episode of the first season Sansa made it clear that she wanted out of the North and to be in King's Landing. There is almost a parallel with young Cersei and young Sansa obsessed with becoming Queens.

    Jon is right Sansa is not repulsed by Cersei she admires her.

    I think you are right Sansa knows how to plant seeds into others to get them to do what she wants. This is a Little Finger trait. So Sansa will never kill Little Finger but she will get someone else to do it for her. Which is exactly how she will die. I do believe that Little Finger has already prepped Robin to kill Sansa if he dies.

    There is a parellel of Sansa seeding doubt into Jon on the balcony that mirrors Little Finger seeding doubt into Sansa on the same balcony.

  5. First things first, great content, I have enjoyed very much.
    Just a few tips for the podcast:
    1. Introduce ourselves in the beginning, it makes your voice more recognizable and relatable.
    2. You could sound a little more cheerful, it would make more enjoyable watching

    Thanks for the content, it was a great one hour and forty minutes.
    Love to Littlefinger ^^


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