Game of Thrones saw its share of great character development, and Bronn was among the best in that regard. In the end, he settled as the new Master of Coin under Bran Stark’s rule, and Bronn came a long way to get there. At the recently held Con of Thrones, actor Jerome Flynn discussed Bronn’s journey. Read on!

Speaking of how Bronn was able to climb the social ladder of Westeros, reports Watchers on the Wall, Flynn said:

“He had a strong intention which lead him through the whole show: he wanted his castle. He was clever. He followed the clues that were in front of him and took his chances when he had them. His last chance, when he was handed the crossbow, he turned into the bartering tool that he needed to seal the deal [for Highgarden] with the Lannister boys.

I don’t think he would have killed them but he had to make them think that perhaps it was a possibility.”

Flynn then said he would have loved to see Bronn and Tyrion’s relationship develop more in the final season:

“I got attached to a certain part of him in terms of his relationships, let’s say, with Tyrion. And I think I wanted him to be more heroic. But that was my personal thing. I thought it was an opportunity for Bronn to suddenly turn up next and save Tyrion’s life fighting the White Walkers. But then if I’d been the writer then the whole story probably would have gone completely differently.”

Jerome Flynn discusses Bronn's rise in the social circles of Westeros

He then said that Bronn would make a great Master of Coin because Tyrion will have his back:

“I think Tyrion might have taken him to one side after that last table meeting and said, ‘Come on, dude. We’ve got to play ball here, and you can’t just have everything you want.’ I think he’s there because of Tyrion. I think Tyrion understands why he did what he did. So I would imagine Tyrion would be trying to counsel him.”

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