Game of Thrones was a decade-defining phenomenon. It got people so involved and kept them hooked for nearly a decade. Fans had really high expectations from the series, and had their own theories about various events. That’s why when the final season was released, the massive fandom was torn apart and people began taking sides. Some wanted Jon to kill the Night King, some were happy about Arya being the one to end him. Even the actors had their own opinions. Game of Thrones alum Miltos Yerolemou, who won millions of hearts with his short performance as Arya’s teacher Syrio Forel, shared his thoughts recently in a Game of Thrones podcast The Longest Night.

He said, “I watched every single episode when it came out. I was a fan. And was fascinated to see where the story went – and I was Team Stark, so I was really invested. [Game of Thrones] shows you what happens when a studio believes in the work and is willing to put its money where its mouth is.”

Game of Thrones’ Miltos Yerolemou (Syrio Forel) was proud of Arya, but felt finale was Unsatisfactory

“[The last two seasons] were a little thin. I have no problem with anything that happened in the story – I had theories about Bran being crowned king at the end. Everything that happened to Jon, and Daenerys wanting ultimate revenge – all of that worked. I just think it didn’t resonate as much as they wanted because it was abbreviated. I did find it unsatisfying.”

“Daenerys burning the city to the ground should have had a huge emotional impact on people, instead of leaving us questioning why she was doing it. It’s purely subjective but, comparing [the writing style] to what came before, I don’t think it married up.”

He continued, “I thought “The Long Night” was thrilling, I just wanted more people to die (laughs). I was in Texas at a fan convention, watching the episode with 2,000 people. Literally couldn’t believe my eyes. I had no idea they were going to use the “Not today” line. It was bonkers. I felt proud of Arya [killing the Night King], like a dad. 2,000 people were whooping and hollering – it was such an intense experience. But I liked that it was Arya who killed the Night King, definitely. Jon killing him instead doesn’t sound like Game of Thrones.”

Do you agree with Yerolemou? What’s your favourite moment from season 8? Tell us in the comments below!



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