Lets Discuss the potentially confirmed Game Of Thrones Spin-off/Prequel being Aegons CONQUEST, as well as Casting News for Game Of Thrones Season 8!!


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➤Aegons Conquest➤ Game Of Thrones Spin-off ➤House Targaryen➤Game of Thrones Season 8
Aegon The Conqueror➤Season 8 Game Of Thrones Breakdown➤Game Of Thrones Season 8 Explained➤Game Of Thrones Prequel

I dont own the rights, images AND MUSIC to Game Of Thrones.
(Property of HBO) (Property of George RR Martin) Everything here is used under fair use.



  1. Ser Hunts great video man. Definitely helping me get through this long night awaiting the arrival of season 8. I do hope to see Aegons conquest, however I would hope it reveals more information regarding the doom of Valyeria. If not I would prefer to see the doom prior to the conquest. There is so much unknown information surrounding ancient valyeria and the doom itself that has left fans theorizing for years. But anyway great job and thanks for all the time and effort you put into your videos!

  2. I'd love to see Aegon's conquest on screen.
    Like you say, he did it the right way, he knew exactly how to use dragons in battle whereas Dany doesn't. Like in her first battle on Drogon, she used her dragon to compliment a forward facing cavalry charge causing minimal damage, only figurig out how to strafe along the Lannister line after several minutes of battle. Aegon would have not only done that from the start, but also have introduced other types of air-to-ground combat techniques from the very beginning. It is a level of experience and 'professionalism' that may leave the battle completely one-sided, but it's not like we don't already know the ending. The sheer bad-assery of it would more than make up for this.


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