Randyll & Dickon Tarly Death Scene

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  1. Once again, the show writers prove they don't know their own characters. You really think Randyll would let Dickon die and hand over his house to his wife or Sam? What a load of bullshit, of course he'd bend the knee before letting the heir he groomed die such a senseless death.

  2. Randyll was a dutyful man, he had to choose between remaining loyal to the crown or to his liege lord and he made a choice, like he said "there are no easy choices in war". I don't blame him for not bending the knee, from his prospective, Daenerys is just a foreigner claimant who brought and horde of savages and fire breathing monsters to his land.

  3. Randyll Tarly is so full of crap. If he was truly honourable he would have stuck with the Targaryens like he originally had during Roberts Rebellion. He should have heard Dany out.

    But no he just couldn't wait to be Warden of the South. Lets not forget he also threatened to kill his firstborn son because he viewed him as weak. There is no honour with this man.

  4. Thank god that Dany doesn't listen to Tyrion, she had every right to burn those pigs alive, and in fact she should have burnt every other man there (other than the Dothraki who have rightfully become subservient to Dany). Everyone hating Dany is just sexist, no one cares when Stannis burns people alive because he is a man, but as soon as Dany does she is the "Mad Queen". Typical men, disliking strong beautiful women. Hopefully Dany will burn every man in Westeros by the end of the season.

  5. "I know what Cersei had told you…that I will murder you and orphan your children…I am not here to murder."
    Me: Okay she's not done is sh-
    "Bend the knee or refuse and die."
    Me: wait, what… Didn't you just… YOU BITCH!


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