Casting can make a show a a mega hit or mega flop and that’s very true when it’s based on a popular book series whos characters are loved by fans. Many of the characters oh Game of Thrones don’t match what’s written in George R.R. Martin’s books—in fact, some don’t match at all. In this series i will show you how the cast of Game of Thrones should really look
In Game of Thrones we meet Khal Drogo when he takes Daenerys Targaryen as his bride. Khal Drogo dies later and Daenerys uses his death to hatch her dragons, naming Drogon after him. But what if the actor that played Drogo(Jason Momoa) was someone else…in this video I will re cast the part of Khal Drogo.
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  1. The Rock would have to really change his manner of speaking (which is still very WWE like) to pull it off. But if he could mange that change… maybe. I think Jason did it just right though. Thanks for another good vid.

  2. The role actually made Jason's name was Stargate Atlantis with Ronan Dex… in which he was absolutely perfect as well, if it wasn't for that role he would not be cast in GoT i'm sure. Rock vs Jason Momoa?? Jason every time, cute and modest and handsome and very talented Jason, over big headed and no acting talent Rock… this lady says "none of that Rock for me, thanx".. lol

  3. I LOOOOOOVE The Rock and I agree with almost all of your reasons for choosing him for the recast. HOWEVER, I think his acting style is way too "Hollywood". He's too polished. He doesn't portray that primal nature that this role requires. On the other hand, I don't know of anyone else that would fit any better…so I'll shut up. Lol

  4. A Jaime mf'n Lannister recast? I know the Kingslayer ain't ya boy, but as much as I love what NCW has done with the role (charisma, swag, a certain physicality, etc) I never was truly convinced he was say "pretty enough" for lack of better word, to be Jaime, who was said even in his adulthood to look the spitting image of Cersei and had longer hair, which was also golden. I think Season 1 NCW had the closest look when they were keeping him with blonder (maybe dyed?) hair but even though Nik IS Jaime now for me, I always saw him from the books as more of a somewhat androgenous pretty-boy preener who just so happened to be deadly and physically gifted.

  5. LMAO!! I saw the title of the video and said…Yeah good luck with this because Jason is perfect. Then as I was watching I was like…Maybe The Rock then BAM the Don says The Rock lol you on a roll with these. I can't wait to see Jason as Aquaman wreck shit. Certified Badass

  6. This is one of the best series on YouTube, this recasting thing. I don't think anyone else could do it either. I still prefer Jason, but without a doubt, the Rock could pull it off. I'd love to see Sansa, Jon, and Stannis at some point.

  7. JON SNOW PERFECTLY CAST? Are you serious lol? Look, Kit seems like a nice guy, but his acting is fucking terrible.
    Like all the actors when they were first cast, he initially suited the character – (he had that sort of mopey, naive and uncertain presence that Jon Snow should have at the start of aGoT).
    But we're 6 seasons deep now, and the fucker hasn't changed with the character even one little bit. He is so. goddamn. wooden. ESPECIALLY in battle scenes. I mean, this motherfucker has DIED and then COME BACK TO LIFE (Jesus style) and he STILL acts like a beta fuck, taking the backseat all the time, talking in his low-key, melo-dramatic voice. Holy shit it pisses me off! 0 stage presence.
    If you want a better example that explains exactly what I'm talking about here – go and watch the film "Gladiator", and then go and watch the film "Pompeii". They are essentially the same film, but holy shit Russel Crowe vs Kit Harrington.. there's no contest – Crowe shows how it's meant to be done.
    Really you just always get the sense that Kit is holding back and is nervous. But why would you still be a nervous little chicken shit after defying death itself?
    Maybe he just doesn't want to embarrass himself on set or whatever – but when you're filming battle scenes you should just let loose and let your inner barbarian take over. Maybe Kit is just to effeminate and doesn't have one..
    Anyone, TLDR: – Even I could play a better Jon Snow than Kit during the battle scenes lol.

  8. Yeah that's about the only other person..I'm sure there's more ppl bcuz look @ the fame Jason got from how he played Drogo…no way would the Rock been better but he fits the bill..Khal Drogo IS Jason Momoa..haha. That was a good one..


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