Jon and Daenerys finally meet and a Stark reunion I wasn’t expecting, amazing episode!!! Hope you enjoy my reaction and thanks for watching!!!
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  1. "Give me 10 good me and some climbing spikes, i'll impregnate the bitch". Bronn season 1, talking to Tyrion about the Eyre. cant remember which episode. "Chaos is a ladder" is what Little finger told Varys in either season 1 or 2 i believe.

  2. I was born to rule the 7 kingdoms. Well technically Jon is your older brothers son and has more of a claim to the throne than you. Dany is so cocky this season it's almost fun to watch all her allies die.

  3. Warning, this post contains some speculation about how future events will play out in the series!!!

    I don't think Daenerys was acting full of herself. I think she was being the ruler of the seven kingdoms and it just didn't work out the way she wanted it to. Of course they were never going to agree to anything during their first meeting. I suspect that it will play out this way: They will spend more and more time together and slowly grow closer with each passing day. They will continue to bicker about him being King in the North until either he asks her to marry him or she proposes that they get married to seal their alliance. Either way, they will end up married or at least pledged to be married. Then sometime around episode 6 or 7, they will have sex and she will end up pregnant, which will come as a massive shock to her because of what the witch said in season 1.

    Bran is emotionless because he is actually seeing every event that ever happened all at the same time. Only a tiny portion of him is actually there in the present. The reason so much of him is focused on the past is because he is trying to learn everything. That should end around episode 5 when he starts to test his powers by learning how to create magical barriers that can protect Winterfell from the dead.

    Bronn said that thing about 10 good men.

    Yeah Lady Olenna went out like a boss and I can't wait to see how Cersei responds when she finds out that Tyrion and Sansa didn't poison Joffrey. I suspect that she will still blame Tyrion, and that will be what finally drives the wedge between her and Jaime.

    The event that is going to finish their relationship is the gold that Jaime is taking from Highgarden back to Longs Landing. I suspect that it will either get stolen by members of the combined Lannister Tarly army or captured by Daenerys during the Field of Fire 2.0 battle that is going to happen in episode 4 or 5. Anyway, I think once they are firmly divided and Jaime learns about the true threat, he will end up taking the Lannister army north to join with Jon in fighting the dead.

    This is the event that will spell the end of Cersei, because she will probably marry Euron and he will kill her on their wedding night.

    When Jaime arrives in the north he and Brienne will realize they love each other. They will become lovers, both will survive the war. They will end up married, become Lord and Lady Lannister. They will have 5 children, 3 girls and 2 boys.

  4. The reason bran got to the wall before aria is because last episode Brandon was at the wall which is north of Winterfell and Arya was still south of Kings Landing so Brandon would be closer to Winterfell and just had to go a little bit south

  5. If Jon kneels, it would have major ramifications. The unification of the northern houses would unravel, and neither Jon NOR Dany would have those armies behind them in their causes. That said, Jon doesn't want to be king. He's said so a few times. He's totally doing it for the sole purpose of keeping the north rallied behind him. He should make a deal with Dany that he'll support her claim to the throne and kneel AFTER the wars are done.

  6. There's more to that "two seconds" of kneeing. That would mean he would have to join "her" battle, which would lead to the defeat of all even though she's never seen this Undead power. Jon has bigger fish to fry and a greater thing to try and stop. Think about that.

  7. Hi there. Just wondering. Has anyone mentioned the great glare that is on your face in these videos? For whatever reason it really takes away from the wonderful facial features you seem to have. Please try to fix this!!!! Thanks!!

  8. That whole Cersei and Jaime incest thing not really much of a secret . The second Cersei told the banker she would pay him before he left I knew exactly where Jaime was going . Jon Snow's looking pretty good to Daenerys now .


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