PART ONE: Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 “The Lion and the Rose”.

This is a two part episode. Click here to see Part Two:

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  1. Little history and lore lesson about the faces carved in the weirwood trees… You may recall when Osha came across Bran under the weirwood tree in the godswood at Winterfell she mentioned something to him about this. Bran was asking the old gods to protect Ned in Kings Landing, and Osha tells him that the old gods can't help him in the south because all the weirwoods there were cut down long ago, so how could the old gods see without eyes? Presumably the faces were carved into the weirwood trees so that the old gods could witness or "see" what was going on and help/harm or not as they chose. Osha was explaining that the old gods have no power in the south without the carved weirwood tree faces to "see" (and thus intervene).

    Very long ago throughout Westeros there were weirwood trees that had faces carved into them. The only ones left are in the northlands on the south side of the Wall and farther north beyond the Wall. In the books, they were also on the Isle of Faces (hence the name) but that bit isn't in the tv show, and there wasn't much about it in the books either. When the Andals came and took over Westeros from the First Men, they brought the new gods with them who are known as the Seven. Not wanting competition with their own gods (the "new" ones known as the Seven) they cut down the weirwood trees throughout the southern lands so the old gods couldn't "see" (and therefore take away their power to intervene). Northerners in Westeros are still proud of their ancestral roots from the First Men and most still revere the nameless old gods… and they still have their weirwood trees with the carved faces.

    There's more interesting stuff about the faces in the weirwoods, but I won't mention that at this point in case there might be something spoilery in the information. You've only just found out that Bran has figured out something important about the faces.

    After watching each season you might want to check out the history and lore videos. There's one for each season. They come with the DVD's, but I don't know it they're available online. The history and lore was in the books, but most had to be cut out of the tv show to try keeping it more simple, and they only had so many hours they could fill what with everything else going on. All in all, it's really amazing what an incredible job they did putting these books into a tv show.

  2. Lmao "Look at her bloody hair! … It's like something off the Grinch!" XD So true though! Margaery is much better suited to marry Joffrey with her skills in the game of thrones.

  3. Is Jaime really a pervert? He never sexually assaulted, raped anyone or even had sex with anyone besides Cersei. Incest aside, he's been in a consenting adult relationship with one individual his whole life.


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