PART TWO: Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 8 “The Mountain and the Viper”.

This is a two part episode. Click here to see Part One:

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  1. And goodbye to one of if not my favorite character in GOT, the comet that was The Red Viper. What a great performance by Pedro Pascal from his incredible entrance to his incredible exit. Merry Xmas.

  2. Your face mate, when Oberyn died was pretty much my face when I saw that episode, great reaction mate, Im looking forward for all your reactions as they are ace and mate, there is loads for you to react, you will see :P. Take care and have a Great Christmas 🙂

  3. hmm. I can't decide. Was it more gruesome or less than or about the same as Glenn's death (from Walking Dead)? One's getting their head smashed with a baseball bat while the other is getting their head crushed with bare hands. All I know is that both are shocking and come as a complete surprise. Oh Oberyn. What a way to go. Sad for Jorah. And worried for Tyrion. Goodness! Later Jay. PEACE! – Yvette

  4. HAHAHAHAHA I couldn't help laughing at your reactions throughout the fight ^_^
    Oberyn's death was so brutal at first I never wanted to see it again but now I laugh at people seeing it for the 1st time, lol what the hell?! Although I admit I was actually hiding the episode screen with my hand and only looking at your reaction xD

    Merry Christmas to you too!! 🙂

  5. Wait… where do you come from ? I thought you were american but you say the opposite so i’m a little bit confused. Maybe it’s obvious for american that you’re not because of your accent but i’m not english myself and i ‘m not familiar with different accents 😅😅

  6. On Jorah, he fled to Essos to escape justice on selling slaves, and since he was there The Spider Varys contacted him and promised him a pardon if he would spy on Danerys. But then he fell in love with her, and started serving her for real. Alas! The truth comes out sooner or later.

  7. 11:22 You got that right!!! LOL! And you also have it right that Jorah knew he was pardoned. He got the message from one of Varys' little birds at the scene right before Dany almost gets poisoned by the street merchant. Tywin DID send the pardon fom Robert to Ser Barristan, and he did it to expose Jorah.
    Mele Kalikimaka & Aloha to you and yours. 😊❤️

  8. MELE KALIKIMAKA! Greetings from hawaii, luv your reaction and analysis, soooooo good. GAME OF THRONES is one of my favorite tv series, and your one of my favorite reactor! Keep on keeping on! It's such a long wait to season 8, and your certainly making it a lot easier. Thanks have a great HOLIDAY!

  9. Not many people figure out the "pardon" from the Hand was a strategic move to divide Dany's team – bravo! Jorah should have realized — the fact that he hadn't reported to his bosses for awhile would have tipped them off that he had switched sides, so it would just be a matter of time before they would act on that. I think he was just so in love with Dany, that he couldn't bring himself to have that conversation with her.

  10. Dude that fight had my heart pounding. When Oberyn jammed that spear into The Mountain I couldn't believe it, but we all know how that turned out. Great reaction as always! Merry Christmas Jay and I hope you have a Happy New Year!

  11. In my opinion, Jorah never betrayed Danny, he betrayed Robert.

    He worked for Robert first, as did for instance Barristan, but no one blames him, the only difference is that Barristan worked as a soldier, while Jorah worked as a spy.

    I remember watching Oberyns head explode, my face was the same as Ellaria, I remember thinking 'WTF!, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS SHOW!!, WTF!, I LOVE IT!"

  12. If Oberyn just killed him and not kept on taunting him he would have won , but he stretched it always a BAD mistake but he isn't the first or last to lose a lot by stretching events that shouldn't be stretched it isn't the worst one either believe it or not lol!! Happy holidays , sharing and can't wait for the next one cheers mate ❤🎅

  13. Holy shit right?! OMG exactly! Your reaction was the same as mine! I had no idea a head could squish like that either, right in someone's hands….it was disgusting…Oberyn was such a great fighter too! But his need for vengeance was greater than his need to win for Tyrion so he wasn't prepared for The Mountain to grab his foot.


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