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Joey’s Instagram: Joey_Wesley



  1. Great reaction! Jess saved you guys from your betrayal of watching it earlier πŸ˜‰ A couple of things;

    1) I don't believe Arya and Sansa were planning Little Finger's fate all along, but rather only just prior to LF's 'trial.' I think LF messed up and overplayed his hand in the scene where he was talking to Sansa alone, and helps her "play a little game" in her head about Arya's motives. As soon as Sansa said the words "Lady of Winterfell" in regards to Arya's motives, she snapped out of it and realized what LF was up to. She knows better than anyone that Arya has no interest in a lordship (ladyship?). That's why she uses LF's words against him during his 'trial.' If you watch his reaction as Sansa's repeating his words back to him, he just closes his eyes as if he's saying, " Ahhh……THAT'S where I fucked up."

    2) Dany's gonna be pregnant next season. I think that's a slam dunk. However, this leads me into my last observation/prediction …

    3) There's a theory going around that I fully subscribe to: Tyrion made a deal with Cersei involving her baby and Dany's belief she can't get pregnant. This is why Tyrion looks so concerned when he spies Jon entering Dany's room. He's worried that if Dany DID get pregnant, it would ruin his deal (unaware, of course, that Cersei has already crossed him lol). I won't get into the details in case you're trying to avoid possible spoiler theories, but there's a lot of evidence to support it.

  2. Lightbringer shit really frustrates me. Reason 1, the legend of lightbringer isn't really a prophecy but for some reason everybody thinks it has to happen again word for word. Reason 2: What frustrates me the most is that it would feel really lame if it did happen word for word. Why would GRRM tell us the ending to this damn story in Book 2? (If i recall correctly, that's when Lightbringer is first mentioned) I'd like the ending to be something unexpected. Show only, the topic hasnt really been discussed but everybody knows about it at this point.

  3. Arya and Sansa were not planning anything together. Sansa got told by Bran. They even shot that scene but decided not to include it, so they would not ruin the "surprise". Honestly, I do not think LF death was unpredictable at all. The how yes, although the whole plot was stupid, but not his death. The only reason LF has been hanging out in WF during this whole season, (doing nothing basically) was because they had to kill him off in the season finale. I'm glad we're done with that plot cause it was the weakest and very badly executed.

    By the way guys, in your S6E10 video reaction you said you were going to upload R+L=J video reaction in a separate video. Did you decided to not upload it or is it uploaded in another chanel that I am not aware of? Thank you.

  4. Whatever the spinoff(s) might be, there are so many locations I want to see explored. Hell, I'd love to glimpse the other continents outside of Westoros and Essos. They're not heavily touched on in the books or the lore, so it would be really refreshing.

  5. it amazes me that people compare the ugly Rhaegar actor who looks like he works in walmart to Harry LLoyd who somewhat looks like/resembles Tom Hiddelston no homo. like its the same wig, but oh no it looks exactly like him. also amazes me how hype people get for some scenes this season and im just cringing, laughing at how terrible most of it is.

  6. I think the Azor Ahai will be Sandor Clegane. His character was dead in the waters and they decided to bring him back, it can't be Jon because he has too much going on and it might be a tad bit predictable.

  7. Oh, Jessica!!!! I enjoyed your reaction very much! πŸ™‚ β™‘
    And btw…I'm excited to see Brian react with Joey TWD, & anything else you guys come up with.
    Already loving the Westworld.

  8. Incest was prevalent since Aegon the Conquerer. Mad King Ayers was married to his sister Rhaella.

    As you said, Jon was raised as a Stark. By Ned, who was disgusted by Cersi/Jaime incest. The speech Jon gave to Theon was not just forgivenesses and acceptance. It's to live up to Ned'a honor and values. Ned was Jon's father. Rhaeger was just his sperm donor. The North is not culturally inclined to accept incest. Jon is going to have major problems with banging his aunt.

    Jon doesn't have the North on lock. The North Remembers.
    Lady Mormont will not be pleased with Jorah showing up. Her mom died filling the void after Jorah left Bear Island.

    Every Northern family suffered tremendous losses during the rebellion. The Vale which is Jon's biggest army has no love for the "foreign whore".

    And I don't think Sansa and Arya will be glad that Jon bent the knee. They want their family to be safe and secure. Free from southern politics.

    As Maise Williams said, Arya will be hot tempered and judgmental in S8. Which will get her into trouble.

    There's no kumbaya in GOT.

  9. One day you'll actually read the books and it will be interesting if it changes your slavish worship of GRRM. Especially books 4 and 5. I second your praise for Alfie Allen, he's been great all through the series.


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