The story of Game of Thrones was a blissful escape from reality. It provided the fans with a getaway from everyday troubles for nearly a decade. The epic fantasy built up a worldwide community in those years. The show was recently crowned as the greatest TV show of the 21st century by Digital Spy readers. Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) and Jerome Flynn (Bronn) revealed how emotional they were when the show ended.

Sophie Turner: “It’s like a divorce, or a death in the family, leaving Sansa behind, and leaving people behind. I think the divorce from the character is the hardest thing for me because my adolescence has just been ‘Sophie and Sansa’. Sometimes, you get both worlds mixed up. So leaving Sansa behind is like leaving a big part of my growing up behind.”

Sophie Turner and Jerome Flynn recall the emotional wrapping up of Game of Thrones

Jerome Flynn: “There was a sense of everybody really being aware and valuing the time we had left together after sharing such an extraordinary nine years together, to be part of something that had been a phenomenon. And the fact it was all coming to an end it had a deeper sense of poignancy and celebration if you like.”

Sophie Turner: “When I wrapped in Belfast with the crew that we worked with so often, it was in the Winterfell courtyard. I wasn’t even shooting there, but the director, David Nutter, called me into the courtyard because he knew it was my last day on set. He said to the whole crew, ‘Sansa Stark is leaving Winterfell for the last time’. As you can imagine, I bawled my eyes out.”

How did you feel when the show concluded after a decade of its run? Tell us in the comments below!



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