Episode 9 “Baelor”



  1. Out of anyone in the show, I feel like Robb Stark has shown that he is one of the best and succesful tacticians. 16 years old and at his first war, he out strategies Tywin Lannister, a veteran of wars that is one of the most renown and feared man in Westeros history. Tywin himself compliments Robb's knack at war. Can you say that with the other Kings? Was Jon and Daenerys excellent at war? No, Jon gets lucky and even dies, but is lucky enough to come back, Daenerys has dragons. Robb just had shitty cards to play the game of thrones.

  2. I thought Jamie was being a cocky twat at the time (still is a lttle bit)

    (spoiler for season 7) But after watching him charge a dragon, you can see he did genuinely want to end the war to save lives.
    He does have the best character progression of any character in the show.

  3. I feel like we never really get to see how good Jaime is with a sword. People kept saying he was one of the best fighters in Westeros, but we never saw it. I wish we could've seen him cut down those fourteen North men.

  4. Robb Stark actually managed to prove himself a capable leader on several occasions…communicating with his bannerman to rally them, executing a cunning maneuver against the Lannister forces, not allowing his pride to let Jaime bait him into a foolish duel, and keeping the war in perspective…and this is all at a young age (moreso in the books).

    His only fatal flaw was that he had too big a heart…he broke down at his father's passing, he let his romance betray his agreements, wouldn't execute Lannister children they had captured, and his favored treatment of his mother after her betrayal alienated his men. None of that was inherently bad, but it allowed others to undermine him.

  5. People don't get the point .. Robb is 16 and still he was named king in the north and he won every battle , he lost just because of those fucking traitors .. but still Rob at age of 16 was a better commander than anyone


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