When the Game of Thrones capped, I began to think about accomplished entrepreneurs and leaders who built their own dynasty.

The one who really stood out the most is Kioka Tanksley,

The Billionaire Brand Consultant of Royalty Reigns Management. As the Mother of Brand Marketing, she reminds me of the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen. They’re both thought-leaders, recruiters, consultants and, of course, Queens. Both of them have some serious influence, willpower, and leadership skills that gained the support of armies, fleets, and villages who followed them on a quest to the Iron Throne. Every great leader carries their unique gifts and abilities that result in a team with the willingness to execute the vision set out before them.

With that
being said, it begs the question of what is great leadership. Whether you’re en
route to The Iron Throne or Royalty Reigns Management, would you know the
traits of effective leadership if they were staring you in the face? Below are
the qualities of a good leader:

A good leader sees every disappointment as a blessing in disguise

Daenerys lost
her father who was King Aerys II. When he was killed, she and her brother
Viserys fled to Essos. She was a baby when they fled and never really met her
father nor knew him.

She is a
sheltered young woman but married off to a Khal Drago who was a brutal and
violent warlord. She later finds the inner strength to bear the hardships of
her life. She then turns those hardships into opportunities, especially by
using her position as “Khaleesi” to implore her husband to show mercy to the

On her own,
Kioka is a businesswoman who grew up in a single-parent home with her mother
and sister. Although her father who was incarcerated most of her life displayed
great strength and courage even in his absence. This contributed to her
ambition to win. She grew up in the midst of difficulties and emerged even stronger.
She is now the proud Founder of Royalty Reigns Management, a global brand
management consultancy providing brand communications solutions for top-tier
companies, celebrities, and global brands.

Billionaire Brand Consultant and expert, she is reputed for identifying
profitable opportunities.  She has
equally carved a niche for herself in the planning and implementation of
effective promotional campaigns that engage cultural to high-end consumers
through Strategic Marketing, Branding, Public Relations, and Business

It goes,
therefore, without saying that leaders who turn adversity into opportunity
possess the inner strength to endure hardships.

difficulties and turning them into opportunities make stronger leaders than
those who’ve never encountered setbacks.

They seek wise counsel

Daenerys is
known for surrounding herself with the wisest advisors possible. And that
remains one of her best leadership skills. She listens to everyone and taps
into their knowledge and experience. She’ll then sift through their advice
before she reaches a decision.

Kioka had
mentors from Fortune 500 companies and One/35 Agency whose agency generated
over one million dollars in revenue.

One of the
qualities of a good leader is that they don’t see themselves as an encyclopedia
of knowledge. They’re always on the lookout for expert advice.

So, if you’re
a great strategist but struggle with implementation, then you need experts in
that particular area to help bring your ideas to life.

You don’t
need to break the bank to get professional advice. A family member, a friend or
a close acquaintance can be of help. They can always mentor you if you want.

They’re independent-minded

listened to advisors. While she listens to others, she is aware she is always
responsible for her actions and has ever remained resolute.

Kioka had mentors, she took ownership, accountability, and the responsibility
on her entrepreneurial journey.

Advisors are
a great resource but you always have to make your own choices. Knowing this and
being able to own it are essential to lead others.

A leader is only as good as his followers

Daenerys has
a listening ear and is always available for her people. She frees slaves, gives
rights to those who have none. This is because she understands her position as
queen is entrusted to her by the people.

Kioka leads a team that has just as great willpower and a diverse range of expertise.

others is a symbiotic relationship. They rely on you for vision, guidance and
being at the front line when adversity hits. You rely on them for tactical
execution, creative new ideas, valuable input, and hard work. Maintaining this
relationship requires knowing your people and fighting for them.

Wrapping up

So, a good
leader sees stumbling blocks as stepping stones. They seek wise counsel and are
always resolute even in the face of daunting challenges.

they recognize the fact that they’re accountable to the people whose position
they hold in trust.

Targaryen and Kioka Tanksley are both thought-leaders, recruiters, consultants
and, of course, Queens.



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