Game of Thrones RPG – Official Trailer (2012) HD

Game of Thrones: The Roleplaying Game puts players in control of two original characters, Mors Westfold and Alester Sarwyck. They do not appear in the novels, although GRRM has indicated to the studio that he might choose to make mentions of them, their families, or details from the game’s story in later novels. The game does now have an open world like Skyrim or the old Baldur’s Gate game. Instead the story is divided into point of view-based “chapters”, with cliffhangers and twists ending each chapter, much like in the novels where one chapter from the perspective of one character is followed by a chapter from a completely different character. Both of them have special abiltiies and three fighting modes. Mors is a skinchanger and can slip into his dog to find secret paths or to listen in on conversations, and he can even follow a character’s tracks through scent. Alester is a red priest who can set fire on his sword using wildfire, he can look into the flames to find secrets, at higher levels, can use certain fire-based magic.

The characters are fixed in terms of background and appearances, but you can customize them greatly in terms of their abilities. First, you can choose different fighting styles. Mors can be set as a “Ragnar” (allowing dual-wielding), Hedge Knight (one two-handed weapon) or Landed Knight (a weapon in the hand, a shield on the other). Alester, on the other hand, can be set up as a Water Dancer (light and agile, with a slender blade), a Sellsword (daggers and poisons), or Ranger (Bow and arrows).

A song of ice and fire, winter is coming.



  1. So sad to read the comments here… I really loved this game, even with the graphics I think they did a great job on balancing story, battles and emersion just perfectly. Don't make graphics the priority on games cause they aren't. Games are stories that we play and discover through graphic help, not the other way around.

    I've seen gorgeous games but with soo damn shitty stories that I just want to puke and pulls me off from the experience. I can't emerse myself in them cause they are so bland and with poorly made characters :/ they don't feel real, just plastic. Games are experiences, life and adventure, you can't have that with only pretty next gen graphics.

  2. Does anyone else think this trailer is rather bland? GoT is very much about the characters and their development, so why is no one talking? Why is this trailer just shot after shot after shot of people running and stuff? That seems more appropriate for games where more attention has been paid to graphics rather than plot.

    I'm going to have to get a proper impression of this game elsewhere, it seems.

  3. I would pay no more than one English pound for this pile of horseshit. Don't understand why game creators rush in to make a game as fast as possible just to make profit!! Take your time, work in the graphics and then sell a game. Even my 90 year old grandad would say the graphics are shit, and he didn't know what a tv was for half his life!

  4. looks like a game of 2008 …… even star wars knights of the old republic from 2004 had better graphics. and the way the char walks.. uhg. i am really disappointed as a super duper multi rainbow extreme fan of Game of Thrones books and the series.

  5. This game is awesome! I played for the story not for the graphics… If u blame this game just because it is not like your Buttrefield 343242342342 or whatever, well… just suck camel balls…


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