En route to the Wall, Tyrion and Jon discuss the Night’s Watch; Tyrion is quick to disabuse Jon’s notion of the Watch as a noble calling battling the mythical horrors that dwell beyond the Wall (as it was in history), pointing out that now it is more a dumping ground for the unwanted of Westeros—criminals, prisoners and bastards.



  1. "What's your story bastard?" "I was born from Lyanna of house stark, who died in bringing me to the world, taken by uncle Ned that would raise me as his bastard to avoid King Robert coming to the right conclusion that my real father is prince Rhaegar targaryen and I am the rightful king of the seven kingdom. Is that enough of a story dwarf?"

  2. Did Tyrion actually have a little Nights Watch cloak made for his trip to the Wall? Like one of those people who go to midnight showings of the Rocky Horror Picture Show dressed at characters? if so, that's hilarious


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