Game of Thrones scene from season 2 episode 4
Catelyn Stark and Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish
Ned Stark remnants



  1. As scummy as Petyr is, That's kind of fucked up. Petyr quite literally risked his life just to have a chance at marrying Catelyn.
    He was disgusted by the fact that she was going to marry someone as unfaithful and douchey as Brandon Stark.

    After he challenged him to a duel for Cat's hand in marriage, Brandon was a grown man and about as big as Robert, he was split from shoulder to hip by Brandons sword, and when Brandon went in for the kill on a fucking greviously injured, incapacitated 14 year old boy , Cat intervened and saved his life. The only reason he slept with Lysa was because Lysa waited till he was drunk off his ass and depressed, and Lysa looked alot like Cat in her youth.
    Lysa even admits that Petyr was murmuring "Cat…" in his drunken stupor while they fucked.
    Littlefinger thought it was all a dream until he rolled over and saw Lysa, and immediately freaked the fuck out.
    Course Hoster Tully (Cat and Lysa's dad) was a huge fucking prick, and straight up deceived his daughter into getting an abortion, by giving her Moon Tea which he disguised as "medicine" to help her pregnancy cramps (which only occurs like 4-5 months into a pregnancy) which almost killed her, instead of letting her marry Petyr, and it almost left her barren (Jon Arryn believed it's why she had so many miscarriages).

    The whole thing was just fucked up. Ironically enough the only person who had pure intentions back then was Petyr himself.
    Look how that shit turned out for him. Guess it comes full-circle though.

  2. how does cat know about his betrayal, but no one else seems to know? jon snow, sansa and arya are all hanging out with little finger without knowing anything. How has no one informed them that little finger is the most responsible for their father's death? Maybe jon snow knows nothing, even though he is king in the north and should have someone informing him of things, but sansa was married to tyrion and lived in the very castle where everyone saw little finger put a knife to ned's throat

  3. This woman is an ASTOUNDING actress! I mean, look at the tremble of the knife ( 1:071:11 ) when LF speaks of Arya and Sansa and their danger! Behold the tear in her eyes at 1:17 ! The expression of grief when presented with her husbands remains. I can't believe I haven't noticed it before, surely one of the best actresses on GOT.

  4. I get that littlefinger must lie and scheme his way to the top…but even to the woman he professes to have always loved? Not only is he point blank lying to her face, but he brutally betrayed her and her family as well. The man is a sick, sadistic creep. Perhaps not on the psychotic level as Joffrey or Ramsay but he's easily got more blood on his hands than both combined.

    It makes me doubt whether he even loved Cat at all. You just don't do that to someone you 'love'…

  5. I am watching GoT clips for years and just now I see this clip for the first time ever. I always thought they threw Neds body away into a river or somewhere else and now I see a scene which is completely new for me. I am extremely excited for this clip now

  6. Cat should've gutted Littlefinger when she had the chance, should've carved out his tongue & fed it to Grey Wind before he could say a single word, would've spared her family even more chaos & disaster dealt to House Stark at the hands of that obsessed sociopath!!!


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