This scene is from Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode Two: Dark Wings, Dark Words.

Poor Ol’ Sam, despite having served in The Nights Watch for quite some time he still can’t manage to lose some weight. But once you get forbidden to die, all you can do is keep on walking.

Valar Morghulis, Valar Dohaeris..



  1. Edd has a weird sense of humor. I cracked up when I read his comment on the dead:

    The dead are likely dull fellows, full of tedious complaints—the
    ground's too cold, my gravestone should be larger, why does he get more
    worms than I do…

  2. Mate they left you cuz you're fat and slow. Your fault for letting yourself go on those chickens that daddy's wealth bought you you lazy fat wimp. Lesson here is don't be fat and slow and wimpy or the zombies will get you and your friends.

  3. Will he be able to die now that Lord Commander Jeor Mormont is dead or is Samwell still afraid that Lord Commander Mormont will appear with that mean look on his face and remind him? Tarly I forbid you to die.

  4. You would think that all that marching in the cold would cause a guy to shed a few pounds. Especially since they don't seem to have much food. Logically, he would survive while they all starved.
    Maybe they should keep him away from the craft services table…..


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