This scene is from Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode Four: And Now His Watch is Ended.

Valar Morghulis, Valar Dohaeris..

Daenerys being Badass Season 3
Daenerys Takes over Astapor
Kraznys Death Scene
Daenerys speak Valyrian



  1. Valyria was known for its beautiful women with silver hair and purple eyes. If a super hot girl with silver hair and purple eyes came near me I wouldn't call here a whore in Valyrian. Kraznys went full retard in this scene

  2. He was a funny ass character, they shouldn't have killed him. Jorah Mormont said in a serious tone, "Even the bravest men fear death." And in response, Kraznys said, "Tell the old man he smells of piss." Still cracks me up a day after I seen it. Even looking at a picture of Kraznys' face and hearing him say it in my head, is so funny to me, haha.

  3. I never liked these shows before, until one day I saw a trailer where Daenerys orders her dragon to burn Master Kraznys. I have since become a big fan of Game of Thrones. That "Dracarys" scene 3:27 will be my favourite Game of Thrones scene for a very long time. I just love Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen.

  4. I've just recently started watching Games of Thrones and am not aware of every detail about the show or the book like some but there is one thing that is confusing me.

    I know Dany is against slavery and people who support it but I'm pretty sure a lot of the people she's been involved with have at one point contributed towards slavery. Like Drogo and the dothraki who she still associated herself with and called herself khaleesi supported slavery and a lot of the things she's against but still she continued to love and remember Drogo and even named one of her dragons after him. The dragons she was using to free slaves.

    Isn't that hypocritical? Like you hate all the people who support slavery and think badly of them yet continue to love your husband and think fondly of him and associate yourself with him and his clan who supported slavery and such?

    I feel like she too at one point or another has had slaves and yes whilst she treated hers better than a lot of other people it doesn't mean that she can be hypocritical and punish and hurt all people who have slaves. Surely not every person who contributed in slavery is savage and cruel and she doesn't have the right to punish them? Also if she's going to kill and hurt people who support slavery and think badly of ALL of them then surely she should first start with her inner corner and the people she loves (etc Drogo.)


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