This scene is from Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode Six: The Climb.

Valar Morghulis, Valar Dohaeris..

Littlefinger Chaos is a ladder
Littlefinger Varys Season 3
Ros Death Season 3



  1. Red wedding, Oberyn vs The Mountain, Ned Stark dying, Sansa's rape, yeah all of those are horrific, but Ros's fate to me was unbearable to see, it's so sad and cruel, and maybe not a lot of people mention it because it's short and Ros wasn't a huge character, but still.

  2. Didn't shed a tear when Ned died… Didn't feel a thing as Theon, my favourite character, was tortured… No emotion left my body when Cerci was preparing to kill her son before the siege… Renley didn't make me sad… Khal Drogo's was meh… BUT I BAWLED LIKE A BITCH WHEN ROS DIED! SHE WAS BECOMING A GREAT CHARACTER! WHY DID ROS HAVE TO DIE?!?! FUCK HELL I COULDN'T LOOK AT JOFFREY AFTER THAT SCENE, AND IT'S SUCH A BRUTAL DEATH!

  3. I imagine in a bit of a distant future a friend asks the death playing whore what was the peek of her career and she goes: Well, I played a whore that Joffrey kills with a crossbow. big grin
    Friend: awkward stare

  4. Man she was beautiful, great little character and they killed her off like that…wtf! Kill her off but at least let me here her tell Joffrey "fuck you and your little prick"
    Varys is great, one of the good guys.

  5. The wolf and the Lion S1 –

    "Petyr Baelish: … we accommodate all inclinations.
    Lord Varys: Oh, I'm sure. Lord Redwyne likes his boys very young, I hear.
    Petyr Baelish: I'm a purveyor of beauty and discretion, both equally important.
    Lord Varys: Though I suppose beauty is a subjective quality, no? Is it true that Ser Marlon of Tumblestone prefers amputees?
    Petyr Baelish: All desires are valid to a man with a full purse.
    Lord Varys: And I heard the most awful rumor about a certain lord with a taste for fresh cadavers. Must be enormously difficult to accommodate that inclination. The logistics alone… to find beautiful corpses before they rot… "

    …so was Jofreey all that time?, Ros was warned when she cried for the death of a baby bastard of Robert in the burdel, if she cant be happy and stop crying he (littlefinger) will recover his investment with that client, wonder about other victims.


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