This scene is from Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode Eight: Second Sons.

A man truly wishes he could show the uncensored scene, however, there are a rules and a man must follow them, don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Valar Morghulis, Valar Dohaeris..

Daenerys Dany Daario Season 3
Daenerys Bathtub Bath Scene
Daario Naharis joins Daenerys



  1. Is it just me or did daario naharis go from a complete bad ass sex symbol ladies man and a fighter who knew he was the best to a pussy who walks like a bitch doesn't look like he is more than a common fighter and someone the queen shouldn't have almost fell with let alone laid with smh that's how big casting is this is the true daario naharis and he died and was faked for the rest of the show


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