Fantastic episode!!!!

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  1. arya's healing touch of her fingers on his shoulder was the first human being that have ever touched that man. brings tears to my eyes. and he loves those stark girls. he protected them both. the first time anyone touched him caring about him…. so sad…

  2. Isn't it amazing how this show always surprises and that we are never sure if somebody will live or die. Rory McCann is spectacular as the Hound, a fantastic character. Love for Oberyn keeps coming.

    I think one of the reasons this episode is so emotional is the music. That Stark theme always gets me, but when Sansa is looking at the snow… ! I don't recall you ever mentioning the music, Troy. Do you like it?

  3. The Hound and Arya are a great team. She's like his little protegee killer. The Hound is listed as one of the deadliest swordsmen in Westeros. I think the producers and Rory Mccan the actor who plays him did a fantastic job turning a side character into one of the show favourites. Every time you peel a layer off him he just gets more complicated.

  4. Great reactions Troy. You did seem surprised that Sansa accepts that Littlefinger was Joffrey's killer. He did previously tell her that it was poison that was used from the necklace she was wearing at the wedding. A necklace that he provided and arranged for Sansa to be wearing on that day. It was also implied in episode 4 that Littlefinger conspired with Olenna Tyrell to kill Joffrey. If you remember Olena said to Margery that she would have never let that monster marry her (suggesting she had played a part in the dirty deed) while Littlefinger tells Sansa on the ship bound for the Eyrie that Joffrey's death was a gift from him to his 'new powerful allies' that will help their friendship "grow strong". The Tyrells family motto also being 'Growing Strong' strongly suggests that it was his collusion with the Tyrells that resulted in our beloved Joffrey popping his clogs! Hope that helps and can't wait for your reactions to the remainder of this season! toodle-pip 🙂


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