Watch Game of Thrones stars Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane and the rest of the survivors escape the wrath and brutal attack from the Night’s King and his mighty army of White Walkers. Also, please subscribe!




  1. That main "Whitewalker" is Richard Brake isn't it? Or does he play someone else? I gotta know. I heard he was in game of thrones. He's one of my favorite actors so that's the only reason I'm here XD I can't tell with the makeup/animation on his face.

  2. i hope he fkin goes to the lanisters and fuck them in the butt, hate those fkin bitches calling them selves kings and shit think they can do what the fuck they want, they need to suck some White walkers dick

  3. I just took a wild guess, this is just a joking thought…. What if that White Walker is a Targ? And he is the one speaking in the teaser with the targ flag burning and all that?

  4. There are three things that make this Zombie invasion much more frittering:
    1-They are comanded by an intelligent and brutal race of ice demons
    2- these Zombies can actually fight like skilled warriors.
    3- The people of Westeros and Essos don´t have fire arms or other tools and weapons that characters in most Zombie apocalypse movie/series/video games have.

  5. That's not the king of the white walkers. Lol they have not shown him but it's described in the books that he still wears the armor that he died in. And is tall as fuck. They were saying he was huge dead knight


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