Game of Thrones S05E10



  1. My thoughts on Aryas storyline is that the Jaqen that Arya met in season 3 is not the same as the Jaqen in the later episodes.
    At first, Arya knocks on the door claiming to have been invited by Jaqen. He then refuses her, and she takes off to the street. This give him enough time to go into the hall of faces, claim Jaqens face and train her to become a no-one.

    I will read the books to find out, it seems D&D are probably gonna leave the faceless mens storyline in coming seasons because of to much work with the storyline I guess.

  2. A man took a girl's eyes to teach a girl how to feel the blade. It's one thing to see the blade, but the best fighters must feel the blade as well. If you're fighting and the lights go out, no problem. If you get sand kicked in your eyes during a battle, no worries. A girl can still win. Never underestimate the Many Faced God. He may seem like a sociopath, but he's truly quite brilliant.

  3. That death was too easy for him, she should have destroyed his eyes then cut of his lips and tounge then all of his fingers sliced one of his Achilles temdons and the scalped him and walked away he would have survived but be a broken man forced to live the rest of his life unable to do anything or tell anyone wht happened to him.


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