

  1. how can it be, with such an awesome show, they have something in that show, that is so horrible? They kill the few people and actors there that is doing a goob job, and only the bad ones is left….Dorne is really bad….The sand snakes first of all. Ellaria is bad as hell. wanna avenge martells, and then kills martells….its so stupid and bad acting..

  2. Ellaria Sand in the books:

    [….“The skull is large enough, no doubt,” said the prince. “And we know that Oberyn wounded Gregor grievously. Every report we have had since claims that Clegane died slowly, in great pain.”

    “Just as Father intended,” said Tyene.

    “Sisters, truly, I know the poison Father used. If his spear so much as broke the Mountain’s skin, Clegane is dead, I do not care how big he was. Doubt your little sister if you like, but never doubt our sire.”

    Obara bristled. “I never did and never shall.” She gave the skull a mocking kiss. “This is a start, I’ll grant.”

    “A start?” said Ellaria Sand, incredulous. “Gods forbid. I would it were a finish.
    Tywin Lannister is dead. So are Robert Baratheon, Amory Lorch, and now Gregor Clegane, all those who had a hand in murdering Elia and her children.

    Even Joffrey, who was not yet born when Elia died. I saw the boy perish with mine own eyes, clawing at his throat as he tried to draw a breath. Who else is there to kill?

    Do Myrcella and Tommen need to die so the shades of Rhaenys and Aegon can be at rest? Where does it end?”

    “It ends in blood, as it began,” said Lady Nym. “It ends when Casterly Rock is cracked open, so the sun can shine on the maggots and the worms within. It ends with the utter ruin of Tywin Lannister and all his works.”

    “The man died at the hand of his own son,” Ellaria snapped back. “What more could you wish?”

    “I could wish that he died at my hand.” Lady Nym settled in a chair, her long black braid falling across one shoulder to her lap.
    She had her father’s widow’s peak. Beneath it her eyes were large and lustrous. Her wine-red lips curled in a silken smile.
    “If he had, his dying would not have been so easy.”

    “Ser Gregor does look lonely,” said Tyene, in her sweet septa’s voice. “He would like some company, I’m certain.”

    Ellaria’s cheeks were wet with tears, her dark eyes shining. Even weeping, she has a strength in her, the captain thought.

    “Oberyn wanted vengeance for Elia. Now the three of you want vengeance for him.
    I have four daughters, I remind you. Your sisters. My Elia is fourteen, almost a woman. Obella is twelve, on the brink of maidenhood. They worship you, as Dorea and Loreza worship them.
    If you should die, must El and Obella seek vengeance for you, then Dorea and Loree for them? Is that how it goes, round and round forever? I ask again, where does it end?”

    Ellaria Sand laid her hand on the Mountain’s head.
    “I saw your father die. Here is his killer. Can I take a skull to bed with me, to give me comfort in the night? Will it make me laugh, write me songs, care for me when I am old and sick?”

    “What would you have us do, my lady?” asked the Lady Nym. “Shall we lay down our spears and smile, and forget all the wrongs that have been done to us?”

    “War will come, whether we wish it or not,” said Obara. “A boy king sits the Iron Throne. Lord Stannis holds the Wall and is gathering northmen to his cause.
    The two queens are squabbling over Tommen like bitches with a juicy bone. The ironmen have taken the Shields and are raiding up the Mander, deep into the heart of the Reach, which means Highgarden will be preoccupied as well. Our enemies are in disarray. The time is ripe.”

    “Ripe for what? To make more skulls?”
    Ellaria Sand turned to the prince. “They will not see. I can hear no more of this.”

    “Go back to your girls, Ellaria,” the prince told her. “I swear to you, no harm will come to them.”

    “My prince.” Ellaria kissed him on the brow and took her leave. Areo Hotah was sad to see her go. She is a good woman.

    When she had gone, Lady Nym said, “I know she loved our father well, but it is plain she never understood him.”

    The prince gave her a curious look.

    “She understood more than you ever will, Nymeria. And she made your father happy.
    In the end a gentle heart may be worth more than pride or valor.
    Be that as it may, there are things Ellaria does not know and should not know. This war has already begun.”]

    Ellaria Sand in the show, "Let's avenge my lover by killing his beloved brother and nephew and ending his ancient house! Hurrah! for woman power!"

  3. At that rang how the hell did Nymeria think she was gonna win that fight if Obara hadn't intervened? She Was she seriously gonna try and strangle him with a whip whilst he's poking holes in her with hi sword?

  4. I know "Game of Thrones" is a work of fiction. But, I have to say this. Like him or hate him, Prince Doran Martell was a RATIONAL, HONORABLE and COMPASSIONATE ruler who had the best interests of his country (Dorne) and people at heart. He did his best to take care of his countrymen and keep them out of harm's way. He wanted to spare his country the widespread death and suffering that inevitably comes with war. Equally important, he wanted to keep his country and people from going to war for the sake of pride/revenge (revenge over Oberyn Martell's death in a duel that Oberyn himself VOLUNTEERED for) rather than actual self-defense. Prince Doran is much like Rick Grimes in "The Walking Dead". Both MEN put the safety/survival of their own respective countries/communities above any personal desires for vengeance that they might have had deep down in their hearts. Now, that is something that truly takes STRENGTH and COURAGE to do. Ellaria Sand, the Sand Snakes, the Dornish guards who stood by (and callously watched) while Doran was being MURDERED and members of the general Dornish population who hated Doran all have one thing in common. They are all, at best, immature and ungrateful CHILDREN who either don't realize or don't want to accept how much Prince Doran has done for their safety and well-being. And, at worst, they are all TREACHEROUS SNAKES who cannot and should not be trusted by anyone.

  5. Coming from a feminist, this shit isn't feminism's fault. a feminist would have casted arianne martell, who wants to protect the ancient right of the first born to rule after dornish law, regardless of gender, when she thinks her father wants to make her younger brother his heir, and the plot to make myrcella queen because she is older (and stronger/smarter) than tommen.
    this was written by some idiots who yearn for bad pussy but couldn't handle it if they got it

  6. THAT was the most stupid plot change made in the show! Dorne is an awesome place in the novels, but the show messed up! WHY haven't they introduced Darkstar for two episodes and killed him off together with Myrcella? That would have been better than the SAND MESS!

  7. So there is no male dornish character left? And no well written dornish character? Elaria is just vengeful. Her daughters are fighting sluts. I wouldn't care that much if they had ut some effort into the Sand Snakes or Ellaria. Trystane and Doran where the interessting ones after Oberyn died. Fuck I liked Elaria while Oberyn was around. They had a pretty cool chemistry. And after that she doesn't even seem to be human. And the snakes? One is small and likes to tease people. The one with the speer is trying to be badass and the girl in the middle is just a bully. WOW! Not the actresses fault. I like them. But not how there roles are written.

  8. Dorne was such a good place for a good people, and that bitch turned them into another Lannisters. Man…when I saw the death of Trystan, I wanted to stop watching this show.
    I mean, there's a lot of bad people in the show. Cersei, Ramsey, Joffrey, Walder Frey, and yet some people can still like them and even justify their actions, but no one, no one likes or justifies Sand Snakes. No one likes them because of what they did, and no one justified them because of what the did! I mean…killing your own brother and uncle just because your bitch mommy says so? They didn't even showed compassion, nothing. Their lives wasted. Dorne itself wasted. Hope Tyrion will bring justice upon them, at least for Marcela.

  9. I dont get Elaria and her daughters. Like yes Oberyn was murdered, but that's how trial by combat works. He agreed to it himself. She claims she's avenging him but I'm 100% sure Oberyn loved his brother and nephew and wouldn't want her to murder them or myrcella

  10. Quote from the books to show just how much potential they blew in Dorn…. And for all the people who really think Doran was a weak man…

    “I am not blind, nor deaf. I know that you all believe me weak, frightened, feeble. Your father knew me better. Oberyn was ever the viper. Deadly, dangerous, unpredictable. No man dared tread on him. I was the grass. Pleasant, complaisant, sweet-smelling, swaying with every breeze. Who fears to walk upon the grass? But it is the grass that hides the viper from his enemies and shelters him until he strikes. Your father and I worked more closely than you know … but now he is gone. The question is, can I trust his daughters to serve me in his place?"

  11. You want vengeance for your lover and father. Cool. Your father died in a duel he volunteered for. He volunteered because he wanted vengeance for the death of his sister his nephew and niece whom he LOVED. How do you think he would feel if he knew you "honored" his memory by murder his brother and his other nephew whom he LOVED. And murdered an innocent girl after he himself even stated " we don't hurt little girls in dorne " AND fought and died on the behalf of a Lannister!? God I hate all these bitches.

  12. These Dornish Bitches is stupid AF. Doran plan is to not hurt mycrella so he could marry trystane. With trystane and mycrella and trystane posision on small council, when the time is right He could just open the Ellia Martell murder and seek for justice. But these Bitches is unpatient AF and ruining everything

  13. This scene  was very confusing, you want to avenge your lover but you go and kill his brother, his nephew, and his nephew's fiancée'!!!??? Not only that the guards stood there and watched their king die when everyone knew Oberyn volunteered to fight too? Seriously what reason did the guards have to let their king die? They had motivation for war but not killing their king. If she kidnap the king and killed the fiancé then ok revenge on the Lannisters, but everything here just does not make any sense at all.


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