

  1. So this dumb show whose premise was originally about the political ramification and consequences of decision made by characters expects me to believe that everyone in Dorne universally hates the Prince enough that they'd be cool with a bunch of bastards userping the throne and no noble family is against this? Who fucking wrote this a 15 year old boy?

  2. DrRockso1987 Obviously. Tyene had to as she didn't want to be seen by Areo Hotah who is on Doran's side and they're trying to overthrow Doran so she is trying to hide behind his back…

  3. In two episodes, two of my favourite TV duos (Myrcella-Trystane and Areo-Doran) have been murdered in the most tragic way possible 😭 😭, plus it's kinslaying!! Damm it, Game Of Thrones, will you ever stop breaking my heart 💔!
    PS: Burn in Hell Ellaria, your Sand Snakes and the rest of your followers 😤 😡! May Cersei (as much as I hate her) make your treasonous revenge turn to ashes in your mouth, as Tyrion said!!

  4. Are Ellaria and the Sand Snakes supposed to be some badass girl power moment? Because they accomplished the absolute opposite and I feel like even the moron blue hairs who only watch the show could perceive this.

  5. "Oberyn killed and you did nothing" says the dumb bitch who could've tried to stop Oberyn from doing the combat trial in the first place.

    Also, how the hell is a big guy like Areo gonna die from a little stab from Tyene? And don't tell me it's cause the blade was poisoned. No poison kills that fucking fast.

  6. Looking back at this scene from 7×03 is funny to think that Cersei and Euron, the evils, by killing Sand snakes and her mother have actually made justice. This is what happens when an awesome writer creates non pure black and white superficial characters and deep stoeis.

  7. only just found out that this coup was seen in the book community as being a waste. And honestly, this shit always seemed dumb to me. I haven't read the books, but i really liked the dorne set up and then all of a sudden this happens. was certainly not a fan but i didnt go crazy cus it's game of thrones. but now that i know there was more to these characters I'm annoyed

  8. Doran seems to be the only one who grasps that Dorne is the least densely populated and fertile of the Seven Kingdoms, its possible there are more people in Kings landing than all of Dorne.  Dorne cannot support large armies, their skill has always been in fast raiders, if it comes to open war Dorne will loose, Badly. Ellaria however assumes she would win… and we all know how that worked out for her in the end.


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