

  1. I hate how they had Ramsay kill Roose. So out of character based on everything we learned about them in prior seasons.
    Ramsay loved Roose. Ramsays character was based on his will to prove himself to his father imo. Maybe they decided to end it like this cuz they didnt know what to do next with the Bolton story.

  2. i hate to say it but don't you think that he would have known to not get so close towards someone like Ramsay considering how ambitious he is? mind you this is the guy who killed his real true son. I hate how they finished Roose and Stannis in the show.

  3. It is interesting that in most fantasy stories humans are more cruel than demonic entities. Games of thrones is no different.
    Although White Walkers kill everything in their sight, they do not offer slow and painful death through torture.

  4. I actually really like Roose he way a respectable character and did whatever he thought was best for his house, Rob was fighting a war he was losing and instead of going down with the Starks the boltons did the sensible thing and became the wardens of the North, if Ramsey wasn't mentally ill they could have been the next starks and eventually have enough influence and allies to challenge the throne if they wanted to, so much potential but no. And then Ramsey with 6,000 bolton men lose to Jon and 1,500 freefolk like wtf


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