A full analysis of Bran’s visions from game of thrones season 6 episode 6, Blood of my blood. Book spoilers, beware.



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  1. Lady Stoneheart confirmed? Wishful thinking on your part. She was resurrected by sacficing Beric and she assumes command of the Brotherhood within 3 days and in the show, years have passed and Beric is in charge, think the point of Bran seeing her is just to inform him shes dead and to show him the path that has been created by all the events up to the present. And the show has 7 and 6 episodes in the final 2 seasons, itd be a waste of time putting her into the show, for revenge, on who exactly? Freys are dead. And the wildling girl coming back? dont know about that, again, where is your confirmed coming from? She very well may, but confirmed??

  2. That's good point about the Mad King having his own visions. Everyone thinks Bran or Bloodraven are the one who caused them, but they were common with Targaryens. What if he drove himself mad with the visions?

  3. Future Bran aka Lord of Light was able to go back in time and use his whisper power to drive the mad king mad. The mad king became mad because it says in the book that he kept hearing voices and Bran also can talk to people in the past, for example in the vision with Ned, he called out to his dad and Ned turned around but no one was there.

    Bran is LORD OF THE RINGS, my bad 😂😂😂😂 🌟🌟🌟LORD OF LIGHT🌟🌟🌟

    And that guy in the tree the one that died is also Bran, Bran goes back in time and just like in the show he's tempted to stay in that time because all his loved ones are alive and happy, that is probably why the old guy tries to teach Bran not to stay in the vision too long because he himself is Bran and because of his arrogance he gets trapped in the past, probably why he's also crippled.

    The old three eyed raven is also Bran, but it was the Bran who made a mistake and got trapped in the past.

  4. Why would we see Catelyn? Why would we see Ned? I haven't read up to the stoneheart saga in the books but in the show it makes absolutely no sense to bring her back. How would you conclude her story? Bring Ned back too so they can live happily ever after? Bring her back to kill walder frey? and then what? It isn't foreshadowing for anything but Bran beginning to 'know everything' like bloodraven said. The images flash by so fast because its signifying bran learning an overload of information because he obviously cant control his power like the bloodraven could just yet. its a clever tool to leave us in suspense with the question 'when will bran find out the truth?' and 'when will bran get the truth too which whom it concerns?' being jon or danny, the two most likely leaders in the war for the dawn.
    G R R M can bring back catelyn but in the show it would just seem like bad writing in the end, i bet, and we might as well be watching lost. end rant

  5. I don't think jaime will kill tommen bc (at least in the show) he seems to care for him.  Also, the queen is seemingly the one who helped inspire Tommen to turn to the faith, yet it's obvious she is just putting on a show.  He probably is too.

  6. Like you said, I think too that drogon is at some place where it is winter…. At the first season, (I'm not sure who) said that bran could not ever walk but he could fly… So maybe he's gonna ride on drogon….

  7. As we know, Bran see only past.
    So the vision of dragon at the sky (with clouds) could be the scene when Tyrion saw him in the first time.
    The shadow of the dragon at the burning city could be dragon of Aegon. If it not, that means Bran could see also future and this shadow is dragon of Khalissi (but i don´t think so)…
    Also the vision of Catlyn Stark marks that she could be bring back to live (like in the books).
    It seems to me like Lyanna Stark has cut belly like in Caesarean section.

  8. I thought that too. About Jamie killing Tommon, but it's a stretch. I think they are showing the murder of the mad king ranting " burn them all!" because he is being shown a vision from Bran Stark of the WW invasion to come. Bran is a big deal. He could have been Bran the builder. It's too much too think about this early. All I know is GOT is the best show ever made and to be made.

  9. Am I the only book-reader who doesn't want Lady Stoneheart in the show? I really don't understand the appeal she seems to have over all the fans. The show doesn't need her, and frankly, doesn't have time for her. Although they could take out Dorne, and use that time for her, and I'd be fine with it.
    Off topic: I can't mention Dorne without saying what an abomination it is in the show. It's one of the best storylines in the books, and by far the worst in the show (so bad, that it is a disgrace to writing in general).

  10. thanks cool video, two thoughts though –
    1) I don't think that dragon in the wintery sky is Drogon because this screen http://i.imgur.com/dNZ2Vbx.png it looks a lot like someone is holding a sword while riding it. Drogon is also much bigger compared to Dany than the person that appears to be riding it. But that's just a guess!
    2) The shadow you say is Jamie stabbing the Mad King (11:59) is not that. It's a little to quick to tell here but that clip is actually in trailer 2 for season 6 but a bit longer than a single frame. It's clearly someone being stabbed from the front and the armor looks like King's Guard. I think it might be The Mountain dying but it also looks like he's holding a shield which I don't think any King's Guard uses or maybe Jamie killing the pyromancer but the shadow looks a lot like an armored person being stabbed.

  11. Super cool video!

    The sunrise in the vision is the one with which S03E01 begins, right after Sam had a staring contest with a White Walker and before he is found by Jeor Mormont who saves Sam from a Wight.


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