Ramsay Bolton Death Scene in Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9. Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 9 Ramsay Dies.




  1. Nice to see Ramsay go the way he killed his family, but seriously, it should've been Ghost.

    I would've loved to have seen him sneak up behind Ramsay, growl down his neck for extra fear, and then ripped his throat out on-screen with Sansa smiling.

  2. finally:) although now he's dead, there's sure to be a bigger douche than him soon. at least he went the way i was hoping he'd go. (beaten half to death and eaten by his own dogs.) I could loop this all day;)

  3. I really hated Ramsay, but he still was a very interesting character. I like characters like him, because he wasn't just a horrible person, he also was very smart (not like Joffrey). Don't unerstand me wrong, I hated him as a person and I would never like to meet someone like him in reallife, but in TV characters like him are very exciting to watch…

  4. Death wasn't satisfying enough. If I were them. I'd have let him heal up. Let him get paranoid about everything while he recovers. Then one day I would start chopping off pieces of himself and feed them to his hounds while making him watch. It'd be like things he'd miss.

  5. I cried soooooo much when Ramsay died. I loved him and now I only want to watch the show for Sansa. Then again it wouldn't surprise me if she dies soon bc her character doesn't have a very good plot this series

  6. I think it's very good that Ghost didn't call him. Here's why. These dogs have been his weapon against others for a while. And seeing him getting slaughtered the same way he did that to others was all the more satisying and it confirms even more what Sansa was saying and that no one cares about him anymore. That destroyed him even more and in the last minutes of his life he was both physically and mentally tortured.


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