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  1. Forget Helen of Troy, Daenerys Targaryen is the face that launched a thousand ships–ships far more sophisticated and overall able to ferry well over 100,000 men across the sea than the type of ships the Mycenaean Greeks used during the Late Bronze Age.

  2. Its moments like these that i wish Joffrey, Tywin, Robert, Stannis, Ramsay, Renly, & Ned were still alive. So they can see something greater and stronger than all of them heading towards them with having no real defense set against her. especially the first 6 guys. Just to see their facial expression when they heard about Dany reaching Westeros and the kind of armada she has behind her.

  3. For some reason, when I see that armada, I think of Tywin. What would he be thinking if he was still the Hand or looking at this from whatever afterlife he's in?

    Daenerys survived, he didn't.

  4. too bad King Euron "Crow's Eye" Greyjoy is probably gonna ram into her fleet and fuck up everything. Everyone is all excited because Dany has assembled this Grand Alliance of the Nations to take back the Iron Throne, but Game of Thrones has taught us that you should never assume anyone's plan is going to go off without complication


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