My review of the episode …

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While Cersei gets allies and a way to kill dragons. Daenerys lost almost all at once. Only Tyrell’s now.
I did not like the Martell girls but the way they died was brutal. Welcome back to Game of Thrones!
Theon is very fragile of course he would run away. It seems that Yara has not died for the time being.
Cersei is acting like a lion and Daenerys has to act like a dragon now. Tyrion’s good strategy to take Casterly’s Rock.
Daenerys is right not trust Varys he is a snake like little finger. I found that in this episode Jon would finally kill him.
Jon will meet Dany. If I were her I would not be involved in another war now.
Ayra goes north and Bran also. All starks will finally meet again.
After all it was a wolf or was not it?
What a horrible form of healing Sam submitted to the Jorah. I hope he is OK!
Things are happening really fast this season. This was only the second episode …



  1. Hi it was a wolf, the not me part is from the first season when Ned Stark told Arya that she was going to get marry, have kids and be a lady and she said "that's not me", so seeing Nymeria and how Nymeria did not want to go home with her, Arya realized that Nymeria is not the same as before, just like her they both have changed, that's when she realized after Nymeria turned away, "that's not you", meaning that Nymeria is not the same pet as before. Hope that clears that up for you.


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