Chris, Max and Jenny chat over season 7 episode 5 of Game of Thrones: Eastwatch.
“Daenerys demands loyalty from the surviving Lannister soldiers; Jon heeds Bran’s warning about White Walkers on the move; Cersei vows to vanquish anyone or anything that stands in her way. The Lannisters make a move to pay their debt, Daenerys makes a decision to act, a family is reunited” -IMDb



  1. Guys you obviously have not to read or seen the leaked 6th episode, which I have not. but the gist of all the comments on YouTube is Jon and Danny get it together. Not my choice because I think it will spoil the story line and apparently a dragon dies. With the rush of the script now it seems as though D&D are now bowing to the fans expectations. Very sad considering is this all they can come up with after watching for. 7 years!

  2. Can someone please explain to me why it is baby Sam stays the same age while it's so very obvious a large amount of time has passed?

    Couldn't Euron be considered "the little brother" in the prophecy? He could be the one to kill cersei?

  3. Cersi dying through childbirth would mirror Joanna Lannisters death. If the baby does survive (the prophecy is still true since Cersi dies before she can really interact with or 'have' the baby) It leaves Jamie in Tywins position. He can choose to hate the thing that killed his love or realize that the baby "didn't ask to be born that way". I think it would be bittersweet if we see the life tyrion should've had through the baby. It would be satisfying to see Cersi ended but we'd also see that as cruel as she was, cersi could still make something pure.(like with Myrcella) hopefully if the baby were to live and the world were not taken over by ice corpses, people would remember not to judge children by the actions of their mothers.

  4. I really don't think they are going to kill off Danny. I could see the season ending on a cliffhanger where Cersi holds Danny in dire straights but it gets resolved in the first episode of the next season.

    Maybe the shocking "death" for this season will be The Wall coming down or getting breached. Although white walkers beyond the wall would make the following seasons a total shit show.

  5. Cersei is NOT pregnant!!! and definitely not naive.

    This season Cersei has been many steps ahead of everybody. As though she has been contemplating this moment for years… which she has.

    So here is a woman that has been obsessed with her own death since she was a child and heard the prophecies of Maggie the Frog.

    Her counterpart Oleanna said something very interesting to Danaerys that could be equally applicable to Cersei about *out living clever men*. Cersei says that Qyburn is the cleverest man she knows. Qyburn the guy who has cheated death and made the Mountain immortal.

    I think that Cersei and Qyburn are up to something and perhaps he has perfected his zombification techniques and has applied them to Cersei— which is a re "birth" in a creepy sort of way. Cersei is playing for keeps— FOR EVER.

    I think she has already mentioned that she barely sleeps or eats (like Melisandra). We've only seen her drink wine.

    It also explains the season promo of Cersei's cold breath.

    Lastly, she stopped wearing spiky armor around her neck, my guess is that she is feeling "safe".


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