In the last episode and one of the best season finales of the entire show, we finally get the long awaited death of one of the series longerst running characters, Lord Petyr Baelish. May you rest in peace.



  1. Shoulda let Sansa get pushed out the moon door. This was a fucked up 'trial.' Sansa was a coward and didn't 'swing the sword,' he didn't get a fucking trial or anything. Some psycho Beatles kid is the evidence???!!!!

    And he would have NEVER fallen into this trap. Everyone's so glad because they want every character to be Harry Potter or some flowery bullshit, but you get a great character like Petyr and he gets destroyed from the glory he was by shitty writing for shitty 'fans.'
    And everyone thinks the begging and tears were real. Fucking morons.
    And no one is going to talk about Sansa obviously having fond feelings for him?

    Just…ugh! This show is going down hill.

  2. This was really satisfying. He doesn't deserve a epic death, he was a weasel and I am glad that he died. Of course he begged, he loved his life more than anything. He is a coward and I am glad, his death was fitting for a weasel. (petyr) The actor was amazing, though. I give props to him.

  3. Walder Frey is still the most satisfying death imo. I actually liked it when Ramsay, Roose, and Littlefinger were on screen, Roose Bolton's death led to Ramsay gaining more power, and Joffrey's death was ruined by Cersei freaking out and arresting Tyrion. Walder frey was a horrible person with no redeeming qualities, he wasn't completely unhinged like some of the other characters that I mentioned, and his death was pure revenge without any negative consequences.

  4. The show has abandoned the finely crafted engines that drove it for a literal smokescreen of dragons. Once the smoke clears what will you have left? King Arthur and the Sword in the stone. A fairy tale.


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