Game Of Thrones, Season 4, Episode 04
A ‘Fookin“ legend!



  1. Karl of the House Tanner, First of his name, Legend of Gin Alley, Legend of Meereen, Legend of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Fookin' Men, Legend of the Seven Kingdoms, Legend of the Realm, Legend of the Great Grass Sea and Caller-Outer of ballsack-looking cuntfaces

  2. In the books we never hear from Clubfoot Karl or any of the Black Watch members who went rogue, killed Jeor Mormont and took over Kraster Keep again did we? I mean, we can assume they all became wights eventually if the White Walkers were sweeping South…..

  3. King Jon Snow First of his name
    Lord of Winterfell
    King of the North and Vale
    Defender of the North
    Guardian of the Eyrie
    Wielder of Longclaw
    Conqueror of the Wilding Hordes
    and the slayer of the Fookin legend of Gin Alley


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