In the opening episode we see a young Cersei and her her friend venture out alone in search of a strange witch deep in the woods. Cersei demands and threatens the witch to tell her future…. but will she like what she hears?

***Note – in the books the “witch” is called Maggie the Frog but in this flashback she is merely known as a witch***



  1. i dont get it?
    in her flashback targeryans are still alive, right.And when she said “KING” of course ( robert baratheon) but targaryens are STILL ALIVE so it means targeryan is the KING

  2. So this pretty much confirms that Cersei wont remain long as queen. So no Iron Throne for her for long. There is no reason to believe otherwise since ev else the witch said came true. Jamie can say all he likes about fuck prophecy fuck destiny..Cersei wont win. But she wont go down without a fight down as we can now see with the end of season 7

  3. Do you think maybe her magic has something to do with the old gods? She can see things like the Three-eyed-raven. Still, it makes no sense that someone would worship the old gods that far south.

  4. Rewatching this scene again…that witch is probably one of the most attractive female characters I've seen on the show, in my opinion. Apart from the whole witch thing, of course. And her teeth could use some work.


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