Game of Thrones S7E04 – Drogon Attacks Scene

Daenerys unleashes her dragon on Jaime’s army.

If she keeps using them, she will rule out of fear just like Tyrion and Jon said

Game of Thrones is on Sundays on HBO

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  1. I swear the GoT community is just toxic. It's a meideval fantasy epic for fucks sake. People need to stop bitching and just enjoy the damn show. I for one love GoT regardless of it's flaws and can't wait till season 7 comes out out on 📀. Long may it reign!!!

  2. This what my gentelmen looked like like when polish hussars stormed enemy troops. One difference. Dothraki didnt have long fucking spikes to impale their enemies. Longer than infantry of lannisters. But concept is good. Superior power of momentum on pussies hiding behind their shields. That what wins medieval frontal attacks. Of course, way better (and what GoT writers didnt include) is flanking pussies behind shields, on sides, on your horses. In that case, its not a fight. Its a slaughter. No dragons needed.

  3. a lot of lessons were learnt in this battle. Jamie finally sees the dothraki warriors and their skills in battle, sees daenerys and her dragon, dragons aren't hurt by arrows, their siege weapon works, they dont have a chance out in the open as the dragons create holes in their defence to which the cavalry exploit. Daenerys learns her dragon is powerful but they can be hurt by this ballista, she should expect 100 of them should she fight at kings landing. She may have to attack from the side or from behind instead of a frontal assault next time, maybe even have another dragon charge and feint so she can take out the ballistas.

  4. Both Jaime and Bronn should have died that episode. Standing few feet away from soldiers that were turned into ash without any consequence,during charge he survives even though fire almost hit him which makes no sense.What a stupid fucking season and poor production.

  5. Who else rooted for the Lannisters in this battle? To be faced by a dragon and hordes of Dothraki savages, and yet still fight on and resist, is what I call bravery.
    So the Lannisters, outnumbered and faced by a dragon too, kill several Dothraki AND wound the dragon!

  6. That Dragon Charge scene gives me F%^&* Goosebumps… the only Movie that gives me those same fellings was in LOTR 3 "Charge of the Rohirrim at the Minas Tirith scene" so F%^&*( Epic.. the only meh factor on this scene is the way Danny commands her dragon so LAME. should have more feelings. she looks angry so, should have kinda shouted the command "DRACARYS!!!!!!!!!!" know what i mean..

  7. There are all kinds of Drangons in movies that so many have tried to make tuff and fierce, but the people who made these dragons for Game Of Thrones NAILED IT!!!  I can't even tell you the chills I got when I first watched this the other night and that dragon flew in and took the lead in the charge (at the :07 mark in this vid".   It got me so freakn' pumped….and that crap NEVER happens to me with the whole Sci fi/ Fantasy thing.  Very impressive.  Not to mention that shot at 2:01.   Those literally were shots that should be on posters.

  8. I had never watched a single episode of Game Of Throne until just last month over the July 4th weekend just over 30 days ago.  Since then..I have watched seasons 1-6…TWICE!! lol.

  9. I was so fucking torn watching this. Didn't root for either side. I love Jaime and Bronn and I felt fucking bad for all those that Drogon nuked, but I felt fucking bad for Drogon when he got staked at 2:40. Resplendent scene. Those reptilian scales kept Drogon alive.

  10. I know a lot of people are criticising Daenarys using the dragon to burn the food supply and burn the Lannister army. Would you have rather seen Drogon flying around with with a large banner behind showing an advertisement for Little Finger's Brothel? Come on, this is war, and we've been waiting a long time to see what her dragons can do in battle!


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