What is lurking in the Stark family crypt in that Game of Thrones season 8 trailer?
(Picture: HBO)

Game of Thrones fans have come up with countless theories for season eight, but after the brief teaser released last week, this may be the most plausible endgame foresight out there.

The clip in question saw the Stark family – minus Bran – descend on the family crypt where they were confronted by their own tombs, while the chilling freeze of the white army crept up on them.

It’s no secret The Night King is charging towards Winterfell, but what was the significance of the crypt?

Game of Thrones YouTube series Talking Thrones have done some pretty astounding detective work and dug deep into the secrets of the Stark vaults, which will surely come spilling out before the show is done.

The crypts contain all the fallen members of House Stark, and is bigger than Wintferfell itself, with each deceased’s statue accompanied by a large stone direwolf curled up at their feet and an iron sword placed on their lap to ‘keep vengeful spirits within the crypts’.

Which would also explain why the crypt is contained behind iron doors, serving as a prison for the dead.

By now it seems impossible The Night King isn’t a Stark. Old Nan told young Bran: ‘He was a Stark of Winterfell, and who can say? Mayhaps his name was Brandon. Mayhaps he slept in this very bed in this very room.’

Recalling one of his nightmares in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, Jon Snow recalls travelling down to the deepest darkest depth of the crypt.

‘And then I find myself in front of the door to the crypts,’ he said. ‘It’s black inside, and I can see the steps spiralling down.

‘Somehow I know I have to go down there, but I don’t want to. I’m afraid of what might be waiting for me.’

Talking Thrones have easily come up with the most plausible endgame to Game of Thrones (Picture: HBO)

There’s a lot to unpack from the 24 minute video, which is absolutely worth a watch, but the crux suggests that whatever spirits are lurking beneath Winterfell will only be harboured for so long.

It’s no coincidence the white army is notoriously fearful of fire, the sun and iron – with the Starks using iron long swords and an iron door to keep whatever is imprisoned below at bay.

However, as Talking Thrones notes, the iron has been steadily rusting away over thousands of years.

In turn, rather than the Night King heading to Winterfell, the cold air crawling towards Jon, Sansa and Arya in the clip could signal something is awakening in the crypts.

A prophecy from one of the early books is looking increasingly likely to come true in the final chapter.

‘By ancient custom an iron long sword had been laid across the lap of each who had been the lord of Winterfell to keep the vengeful spirits in their crypts. The oldest had long age rusted away to nothing, leaving only a few red stains where the metal had rested on stone.

‘Ned wondered if that meant those ghosts were free to roam the castle now. He hoped not…’

Game of Thrones returns to HBO and Sky Atlantic on April 14.

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