Starring in arguably the biggest TV show in the world right now must be a whirlwind, dream-job experience, right?

Well, yes – but there are also aspects of being in Game of Thrones that Samwell Tarly actor John Bradley isn’t too fond of.

“There are some really beautiful costumes on Game of Thrones,” Bradley told Shortlist. “Mine isn’t one of them.”

Aside from a padded tunic and a cloak “fashioned from an Ikea rug”, Bradley also has to deal with constantly ripping trousers, and likens the whole aesthetic to “walking around in a fur wardrobe”.

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Sounds comfy, huh? We can’t say we blame him for having the following sentiment toward his Samwell costume: “When the show’s over, I’m going to ceremonially burn that cloak.”

Adding to Bradley’s list of gripes is the fact that “any bit of the show where the landscape looks inhospitable, there’s been a good chance I’ll be popping up.

“I remember huddling with Kit Harington and a couple of other actors in Belfast in season 1, swearing I couldn’t think of anywhere I could go where I’d be colder or more exposed to the elements,” he recalled.

Samwell Tarly


“A few days later, an email with ‘ICELAND’ at the top popped into my inbox and I realised I’d spoken too soon.”

Bradley also hates having to keep secrets – not ideal when starring in one of the most secretive shows on TV at the moment – and he’s sad he’s missed out on actually getting to watch this huge cultural phenomenon.

“The way people talk about the show, it always makes me feel like I’ve missed out,” he said. “I love those big TV moments, those parts of Breaking Bad and The Wire that leave you speechless.

Night King in Game of Thrones

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“Anyone who’s been involved in the show missed out on that experience.”

We won’t be taking Bradley’s complaints too seriously, though, as he’s still getting paid to roam around Westeros. We’d take that trade-off.

Game of Thrones airs on HBO in the US and Sky Atlantic and NOW TV in the UK. Pre-order the season 7 DVD or Blu-ray, or buy a digital download here.

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