Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5 – The Hound’s Trial: Sandor Clegane vs Beric Donadarrion fight (flaming sword)

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  1. I noticed the fat guy that will later be hanged for killing an entire villaige in the backgorund- I wonder if this fight echoed in his travels and That is why he massacred that villaige- there is no justice.

  2. Easily one of the best fights ever in Game of Thrones. Fantastic choreography from start to finish. Love how it is a pure battle between skilled swordsmanship and brute strength. Beginning with Baeric showcasing his talents with the sword and ending with the Hound just straight out muscling the other dude and cutting straight through his sword. The fight almost being over when Baeric had the Hound on the ground with his shield in flames, Baeric knowing it would have to end there and going full flurry. But it wasnt meant to be.


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