

  1. The one thing I like about this show is how they make dick characters humble
    Theon: he was a huge dick he betrayed his foster family, took over winterfell, killed two innocent farm boys. Then he gets captured by the boltens. He's tortured to a point where he regrets his past deeds and wants someone kill him already
    Sansa: she was a bitch she was mean to Jon, arya, bran most of her servants and was in love with the biggest dick in westros. Then she ends up watching her own father be beheaded and is forced to watch his rotting head. Gets beaten, tortured, kidnapped, sold and raped
    Jaime: he was a big dick he pushed bran off a tower, he killed his cousin, did some stuff to piss off the starks. Then he gets taken from the top and sent to the bottom. He gets captured, kidnapped, beaten tortured, is hated by everyone and he looses his arm

    It's a fact that characters that shouldn't be redeemed (especially Jaime and Theon) get redeemed. I know a lot people don't Jaime or Theon and sometimes Sansa but you gotta admit good character development when you see it.

  2. just finished binging 'big little lies' and I can't believe some people were calling for the show to be boycotted because of this. This is basically child's play compared to what skarsgård does to kidman Lol


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