Ned Stark was killed off in season one (Picture: HBO)

Game Of Thrones actor Sean Bean has revealed who he wants to see on the Iron Throne in the final season, describing his character Ned Stark as an ‘anchor’.

The 58-year-old actor’s character was dramatically killed off way back in the first season, with Ned’s death acting as catalyst for spiralling events in the show.

Sean recently stated how he was ‘very proud’ to have played the character, saying how he’s one of the few good men in Westeros.

Speaking to the Huffington Post, Sean said: ‘He was such a fantastic character to play. He was one of the very few good men with principles and morals and values in the whole thing, because everybody’s backstabbing and poisonous people.

‘He was an anchor to a lot of people, and of goodness… I was just glad to play Ned Stark. I’m very proud of it.’

The eighth and final season is currently filming which will hopefully provide a definitive answer to who will assume the Iron Throne at the show’s end – but who is Ned Stark hoping for?

Sean added: ‘I think Jon Snow would be a good choice [for the Iron Throne].’

Jon Snow is Sean’s pick for the Iron Throne (Picture: HBO)

Nathalie Emmanuel, who plays Missandei in the show, recently told how season eight won’t be a rushed conclusion.

‘They’ve taken the exact number of hours to tell the story they want to tell and it will be brilliant,’ Nathalie said.

‘[Show bosses] will never leave the fans unsatisfied, they won’t leave the fans left short, it will go over and above the fans expectations as they do every season.’

Game Of Thrones season eight is expected to air in 2019.

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