Many of us cherish the memories of our childhood. Those were the times when we could be carefree and play without any real-life worries. As we grew up, the times we left behind became a sweet world of fantasy. Game of Thrones star Sean Bean attempted to relive those moments in an interview with The Financial Times.

He said, “As a kid, I was interested in nature. When I grew up in Sheffield in the ’60s and ’70s it was a big industrial city. It also had a lot of trees, countryside and wildlife – there are huge pockets of woodland and fields. We couldn’t wait to get out, especially in the long summer holiday, and go and make dens. We loved farms, derelict farms – there was a fascination in that. Or just an old scrapheap with cars on it that we’d climb in and out of. It was lethal. There were still bomb craters, big, deep things from the second world war. Everybody used to meet there for a fight and stuff after school.”

Game of Thrones’ Sean Bean talks about his childhood hobbies

Sean continued, “Anyway, I couldn’t wait to get out to play and kick around a football, and we’d only come in when it started getting dark. I also got into birdwatching, so I used to go with my mates to Flamborough Head, Sherwood Forest, Clumber Park, places like that. My granddad did a lot of vegetable and fruit gardening. And there was my next-door neighbour, a guy called Ron Howard, who was our neighbour for about 40 or 50 years. I learnt a lot from both of them. I gradually grew into gardening as well.”

Several Game of Thrones stars recently shared their memories of the show on account of the Iron anniversary. Share with us some of your memories in the comments below!



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