Reaction starts @ 6:25
Fair Use is 9 minutes 48 seconds
Post Discusion starts @ 22:18



  1. Very cool! That map should help with keeping track of the story. Since you know where Vaes Dothrak is, now check out where Pentos is. That's where Danaerys and Viserys started their story, at Illyrio's mansion. Quite a distance they've gone.

    Yay! More geography time. There are two other continents of the Known World, which are Sothoryos and Ulthos. Both are to the south of Essos. They're largely unexplored and covered in dense jungles, rumored to be filled with things that even the very brave don't like to think about for very long. If the tales of the wildlife there aren't enough to discourage a visit, the various diseases and plagues (many of which are fatal) might suffice for that.

    A little reference that I like to point out in this episode is during the scene when Viserys is trying to take the eggs. Viserys says to Jorah "Yet here you stand." To which Jorah replies "Yet here I stand." The crest of House Mormont is a standing bear, and their House words are "Here We Stand."

    Sorry that Anna had to lose such a beloved character this episode. I think we all know how highly she thought of poor Viserys. 😉
    It would have been a terrible waste of gold if it wasn't so perfectly poetic.

  2. I find it funny the comments on previous reaction videos on whether she is too young. Thing is, kids are made to read the bible and go to church and hear all kinds of adult things in sermons. I remember when growing up in a strict Christian Evangelical home, we had to read the bible every day and learn about attempted gang rape, genital mutilation, incest, harlots and let's not even get into the violence. I see Game of Thrones as no different, except it is much more entertaining. Kids have to face the realities of life sooner or later, so long as there is a wise adult to guide them through the moral maze of adult situations, help them learn the ethical lessons there are to learn, I see no problem with it.

  3. She's a smart cookie. Because of that, I would maybe suggest not asking her too many questions about jon's heritage, if people try to give you questions to ask about that. Only because it's something that most people knew about when it came up in season 6, so it would be awesome to see a genuine reaction to that, although I know it's a long way off now.

  4. Question: If she could pick one character to die, who would it be?

    "I don't want someone brave, gentle and strong. I want him!" 19:06 I had the same reaction, like didn't she realize what she'd said?

    Oh, and I don't think she caught that all 3 of Cersei's children have golden hair. It would have gone well in the talk about genetics because the stakes would have been even higher.


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