Reaction starts at 0:00
Fair use: 8:40
Discussion starts @ 8:40



  1. Glad to see you back with us and glad to hear you will lessen the break between S1 and S2!

    Anna you showed great composure after Ned’s execution (I was pretty angry when I first saw it) and Joffrey is definitely an Ahole as you said!

    Looking forward to more reactions in this series, great job guys!

  2. Wow! I'm happily surprised. Looked like Anna was about to break for a second then she reigned it all in and redirected it. Better than most adults. Also like how she is very aware of her boundaries and respectful despite seething with rage and emotion. Most impressive. You're doing a great job dad! "I want to see unicorns and Jeoffrey dead." lol. Best line ever! πŸ˜€ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β˜Ί


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