It is time!!!! the the game of thrones LORE reactions have begun! i will be breaking these seasons into roughly 5 parts leading up to Season 7 LORE! it is so much fun learning about this shows history and LORE!

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  1. Valyria was in Essos, and that’s where House Targaryen was formed. Dragonstone was an outpost Valyria had founded to trade with Westeros, but Lord Aenar Targaryen’s daughter, Daenys, had a dream of the Doom, so he packed up and left. 12 years after Daenys the Dreamer had the dream, after everyone laughed at Lord Aenar for wanting to go, the Doom happened. Everything was wiped out: people, dragons, buildings. Except the Targaryens and their dragons.

  2. "The Lannister's aint shit". Right that's why they currently hold the Iron Throne lol. And if the original ruler's of the Rock were dumb enough to be tricked by a stranger then why tf should they deserve it? Lol, sometimes you hate just to hate but that's why I love watching your videos.

  3. get a map Jody, you'll understand better. Plus a member of the house targaryen had a vision of the doom day and flew to dragonstone before the destruction.
    The same kind of vision khalisi had. That's why i think she is the princesse that was promessed. Too much miracle around her, she's the real deal.

  4. Daenys targaryen had a powerful prophetic dream, showing the destruction of Valyria. Her father, Lord Aenar Targaryen, moved his family and all of their belongings to Dragonstone, an island in the narrow sea off the eastern coast of Westeros. With them, they took five dragons. When the Doom of Valyria came twelve years later, House Targaryen was the only family of dragonriders which survived.

  5. The Targaryens are Valerion, however at the conquest of westeros most of what Valeria knew the Targaryens did not. (or had forgotten) The amazing thing to me is more of a question. How much do you know about mythology? I am not religious at all. Mythology is fucking amazing though. GoT is basically a made up mythology combined with a made up history with a splash of whimsy (magic). That goes for all fantasy novels and shows. The authors base so much of this stuff off of mythology though. Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit make use of it unapologetically and in spades. (I don't think there is anything to apologize for btw) Mythology is an incredible read though. (sadly we can't read it as it was meant to be said as most of the great speakers couldn't write or the language is dead) Regardless, it's cultural anthropology in a different fashion. I'm gushing about it to much but it's the story of us and our imagination. I don't give two shits about religion but the stories all of our ancestors told to all of our other ancestors for generations upon generations are amazing. Every human from every walk of life has this in their ancestral background. Nothing else on this planet can be claimed other then your people had stories. (I'm adopted, no idea what my family lines story was, doesn't actually matter. Even the stories that survive to this day mean that other less popular stories were lost. When we are all dust I can only hope that some other civilization will find some bit of humanities existence and continue the story. Imagination is the greatest skill of humankind and it is also the skill most disregarded. You have kids, never do a damn thing to impede their imagination. It is more theirs than their opinions, tastes or ideals. I don't have kids so I can't actually demand that last statement…..whatever. =) Love the channel, I apologize so much for this long ass rant. I won't recant it though.

    Edit: History is the other great story teller. Much less imagination, much more truth. (sometimes) It rarely tells the full story of those that lost. Even when it does it is scant. Doesn't even have to be from long ago. Few stories survive of the losers of even modern wars. (even when they won technically but lost economically) (sometimes even ethically) =(

  6. They’re were several families that ruled Valeria. The Targaryens were one of these families. Before the doom, Daenerys the Dreamer of House Targaryen had a vision that Valyria would be destroyed. She told her father. He took her seriously and took they’re family and a number of servings/soldiers with them to a small island that later will be known as Dragonstone. The island was on the outskirts of Westeros. Several generations later, Aegon decided to conquer Westeros and took both of his sisters with him (along with their dragons). He landed on what is later called Kings Landing. The story picks up from there. Dragonstone was the seat of house Targaryen for many years and after the fall of the family Robert gave the castle to Stannis.

  7. Not all Valyrians were blond hair because the Valyrian Freehold was so vast in power and wealth like the Roman Empire. Many of the dragonlords spread their seed in other parts of GOT continents like in Essos and Summer Isles which meant some brown and dark skin people had Valyrian blood. Yet you can typically find all races in GOT might have some Valyrian blood.

  8. Hey Jody, I LOVE that you're doing these lore reactions!!! There is so much beautifully written history in the GOT universe; can't wait to watch them with you and hear your analysis on them! Great job man!

  9. Actually, Aegon wasn't born yet when the Targaryens fled from Old Valyria. It was Aenar Targaryen who left with his family and his dragons after his daughter Daenys The Dreamer had a prophetic vision of the Doom of Valyria. They left before tragedy struck and settled on an island which eventually became Dragonstone.

  10. So basically the people of THE NORTH (aka Starks, Karstarks, Boltons, etc… are the desencents of the First Men (first men who landed on Westeros who used bronze weapons and fought the children until they stopped and formed a truce) compared to like the Lannisters, Tyrells, The Vale which are descents of the Andals (the 2nd men who invaded Westeros and used horses and iron weapons and attacks all of Westeros and fought/killed First Men and the Children and only would not conquer the First Men in the North). The Baratheons, Greyjoys and Dornish are mixed race (some Tagrarean, some Andal and some Rhoynar – which are the 3rd ethnic group that humans in Westeros descent from other than the First Men and the Andals) and finally the Targareans are obviously Valerian descent.

  11. Dragonstone is on the eastern part of Westeros in between the two continents. I believe it used to be considered in Essos until the Targaryens took over Westeros, but it’s a borderline case.

  12. The Targeyrans where banished and went to dragonstone before the comets from the sky destroyed everything and when Aegon conquered westros he just made dragonstone apart of westros because that's there new home it was just an island not apart of anything before Aegon conquered westros

  13. Viserys was talking about the same Dragonstone we know, the Targaryens didn't conquer Westeros immediately when they went there, a thousand years had passed before Aegeon and his sister began their conquest! So the Targaryens were in Westeros for a long while before they started conquering

  14. Yeaaaah! What's up Jody good to see you back on the GOT Lore 😃. I been silently watching your other video's and live discussions but not commenting, because it's usually live and I am in the UK but I've been thumbs upping those great discussions 😊.
    Yes the Targareyen's are definitely from Valyria it's their family ancestral home. Remember in season 3 I think, when Dany wanted to buy the unsullied from that disgusting man who had Messande as a slave translating for him but he was cussing Dany out calling her a bitch and a whore, Dany pretended not to know the language. He was speaking Valyrian and then before she cremated his ass she said that she knows the language as it's the mother tongue of her family.
    The Doom is said to be a cataclysm of an unspecified nature but in some descriptions it says it was of a cataclysm of a volcanic eruptions. This is why I think you have two different accounts.

  15. Aegon never planned on invading Westeros, it was only after Argilac Durrandon pissed him off that he attacked. Argliac tried to get Aegon to marry his daughter, so he could use Aegons army to attack Harren Hoare. Aegon was already married to his sisters, so he refused and said he would marry off his friend Orys Baratheon to Argilac's daughter instead. Argilac was angry that he refused to marry his daughter so he cut off one of Aegons mens hands and so started the Conquest. Orys was married to Argilac's daughter and they started House Baratheon.

  16. BTW OFF TOPIC. Jody, the reason I believe that Jon is the true heir to the Iron Throne and not Gendry is because Robert usurped the crown. I know what you're gonna say, that Aegon basically took the crown and usurped it too BUT there's a difference, Robert took the crown from a another House but Aegon he made the crown, he united all the Seven Kingdoms into one big country under his rule, before Aegon there was no one true king to rule all of Westroes, it was just Lords that had control of their own lands. Which is why I think Jon is the true heir and not Gendry.

  17. Something I'd have wanted to see in the show that's in the books are the two somewhat minor houses Celtigar and Velaryon, who are also descended from the Valyrians. Wouldn't need some large plot, just some recognition and I'd be happy.


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