All Sansa & Sandor Scenes for Season 2 of Game of Thrones. It contains a deleted scene and I also left the whole riot scene as I felt it added to when Sandor rescues her.



  1. I've always loved their interactions because in a way he was the one who tried to teach her how cold the world really was even though he could never be too cruel to her or Arya. In some way I feel as if he respected Ned and took that initiative to protect his daughters even if he had other motives.

  2. And than Sansa goes and say that Tyrion was the only one who treated her well in king's landing. Tyrion was polite to her, the Hound disemboweled the people trying to rape her; learn the difference.

  3. I'm sure other people have already observed this but it's ironic the way that the people who treat Sansa the best (Tyrion and the Hound) least conform to her daydreams of knights and chivalry and the ones who treat her the worst (Joffrey and Trant) have the surface appearance of that chivalry and gallantry but nothing more.

  4. sandor is a puppy, in the body of a hound.
    hes not mad, hes not bad, hes not evil.
    hes dissapointed, cause the people he loved hurt him. the brother he loved, (a younger sibling playing with his older sibling toys, is a sign of admiration ) burned his face instead of protecting him, his father covered up the story saying sandors bed caught fire, protecting the criminal and not the victim. sandore knew at a very young age how the world works, to make the matters worse, the mountain became a knight, and sandore was just a royal guardian. but after all of that, he couldnt turn himself into a villain, his tender/soft side was stronger, and in the later seasons, he became the hound we all know and love

  5. The irony is Sandor isn't even a knight. He hates the fact that his evil brother was knighted despite the fact. Same with Meryn being a kingsguard. Despite not being knighted, his attitude towards justice is quite that of a knight.

  6. what the fuck is with these people who literally ship anyone and anything?? The Hound is not in love here hes just soft natured, you dumb fucks do realise that its possible to do a nice thing for a girl WITHOUT being in love with them!? also shes like 12 so shipping them is fucking weird

  7. Most people I know takes the way The Hound interacts with Sansa as sexual or it at least suggests he has a crush on her, yet I don't believe that. I feel like the interactions he has is made to develop his character and give him the emotions that has been beaten out of him. He had a tortured childhood and a continued totured adulthood due to his past. And his interactions with both Sansa and Arya humanises him. I honstly take his interactions as a more of a childish way. I don't think his really interested in Sansa in away way

  8. I hope Sansa and/or Arya kill Cersie… she's the one behind almost everything that happened to their family, but a lot of people like her now. She'll probably have some sort of heroic death… like she'll do the right thing than get killed and everyone will be sad for her, but I hope people get reminded of how horrible she is before she dies, I really don't want her to die with everyone caring about her, I think she's horrible.

  9. There is too much foreshadowing in the books for them not to get together at some point. I hope the show does it but we will see. it wouldn't be hard to pull off just have a scene where Sansa tells him everything we already know from the book.

  10. I think House Clegane would have fared better if it seated in the North, pledged to House Stark. Sandor would have been more respected and recognized. Being ruled by the Old ways, Gregor would have paid dearly for the burning of his brother. That shit does not go unpunished in the North.


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