Reaction starts at 2:47
Fair use = 9:58
Discusion starts at 24:31



  1. Anna, we greatly appreciate your sacrifice in not binging this series, so that we may share your journey to Winter. Thank you for sticking with us. At least, this way you're being spared from The Long Wait (though even that isn't as bad as The Even Longer Wait for the books, which has been since 2011 for the upcoming sixth book). 🙂

    "You know nothing, dumbass!" -Lord Red of House Foreman

  2. It seems, her panic at Bran&Rickon being dead, she came up with a solution she could process. This is why we say "children are resilient."
    She seems fascinated with Ygritte. Not many people appreciate her sass & smarts. I'm glad that Anna does – at least for now.
    Way to sidestep that whole "I remember when..", DAD. lol
    This was a great reaction. Keep up the good work. 😊❤️

  3. Another in one day! Nice! Wow, Anna was quick to puzzle that out. It was rather heartbreaking to see her close to breaking for a couple seconds. Then her gears started working and she came to a very astute conclusion. Deductive reasoning worthy of mister Holmes himself! Good on you for not confirming or denying the fact that she got it right. Remind me never to accept a poker challenge from this man. lol. One of my favorite bits this vid was your discomfort at her bringing up the subject which shall not be mentioned. hahaha. Classic dad reaction. Glad you kept that humpr in. See y'all next vid! 👍

  4. "If I didn't watch this with my dad, i'd be done"…. Not to be too deep but there will be a time when you wouldn't trade these moments with your dad for anything.


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