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A recap of episode 9 of Game of Thrones Season 2

Game of Thrones is an original HBO series based on George R.R. Martin’s best-selling novels. In a world where summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime, the crown of Westeros comes with a price. Betrayal, lust, intrigue and supernatural forces shake the four corners of the Kingdom, from the scheming south and the savage eastern lands, to the frozen north and the ancient Wall that protects the realm from the darkness beyond. Kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars and noble men vie for power in the bloody struggle for the Iron Throne.

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Game of Thrones: Season 2 – Episode 9 Recap (HBO)



  1. I think it was to show his faith in the Red Woman and her fires – she guaranteed him that he wouldn't die on the Blackwater, and the attack would be a victory, so that's why he chose both to lead the attack (which I believe he would have done anyway) and to not even bother wearing a helmet (so that the soldiers would all recognize him and he could be a symbol for them to rally around).

    That's how I justified it in MY head, anyway.

  2. episode 19 = season 2 episode 9 right ? the last episode was season 2 episode 10 ….right ?

  3. oh well going to miss this but next week is True Blood!!!1PLEASE type in GREEN LANTERN THE ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY and please check out the true story of how GEORGE LUCAS sent off duty CIA agents to threaten my Mother with guns thanks!!!!!!!

  4. I don't think that Stannis' family would give up. They are all so terribly dutiful. There would be some ships left, and Stannis has a daughter, who her mother and Melisandre would probably bring into the game. Though it's all speculation

  5. That's not strictly true. Stannis did not know Tywin was going to take his rear. If he did, he would not have attacked King's landing, or would have made proper preparations.
    Tywin attacked him with his own army for gods sake! He thought he left his own main force behind, under Tyrell control, but the Tyrell's changed sides when Tywin came to talk because there was much more to gain that way.
    And Tywin does not lose every battle, quite the contrary, actually. He is a proven commander

  6. I think there may be a mod for Mount and Blade, or at least they're working on it.
    I do know there is a mod for Rome: Total War, I haven't tried it, but it looks pretty good, and Total war is an amazing game and I'm sure it would go very well with Game of Thrones. You can control your House through strategy, training troops buildings etc, moving armies and using politics and the like. then when you battle an army, it's quite realistic, I can't explain, just play it :p

  7. Well, in truth Stannis had alot less than that at the Blackwater. He went ahead with the van of his army to take King's landing, thinking he could do it half easily and half quickly. Leaving his main army behind, the foolish fool

  8. If Stannis died, what army would there be left? :p He only had a couple of thousand troops left after the slaughter of the blackwater. (And a small garrison at Storm's End), so they would have bent the knee to Joffrey as soon as they could.
    If you mean what would they do if he died at the beggining of the battle, I'm guessing the whole army would have routed, get caught between King's Landing and Tywin, and get killed or surrender. It wouldn't matter about an heir really

  9. A great episode, but I can't help myself from thinking WTF would have happened if Stannis got killed? Joffrey had his little brother, but Stannis had no son. What would his army continue to fight for should Stannis get killed? This made the fact that he was always the first to attack look quite weird, must say!


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