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  1. Stannis has a valid point, however so does Renly…..had stannis used common sense, and saw how Renly united many of the great houses and had a massive base of support, he should have swallowed his pride and duty, and recognized Renly as king.
    Had Renly become king, ALMOST ALL of the crises and disasters that befell westeros after this would have been avoided…..hundreds of thousands of lives would not have been wasted, and instead of the Night King just walking through the north with token resistance, he would, to his chagrin, been confronted with a MASSIVE army of a united westeros, and in that situation, I believe that Renly's united forces would CRUSH the night king easily! the night kings forces would have been no match at all for the huge host Renly would have brought to bear.

  2. Renly should've just followed Stannis and become his Master of Laws and heir apparent. Margaery becomes Master of Coin. By then, Robb will have no problems siding with the the stag brothers because it's the claim that Ned supported anyway.

    Renly launches an attack to the Westerlands from the Reach and the Stormlands. The Tullys buffers between the West and the Crownlands.

    Stannis attacks from Dragonstone and Robb reinforces the buffer. The Arryns will side with the Tullys prevent the crown from escaping northward in the sea.

    The Ironborn and Dorne are nonfactors since they hate the Lannisters anyway.

    Tywin will have no choice but to have Cersei and Jaime killed beheaded. Joffrey will be sent to the wall coz he a cunt. Tommen and Myrcella will be wards and renamed as Tommen Waters and Myrcella Waters under the Starks and the Martells.

    Tywin will be beheaded for rebellion and Tyrion will be the head of Casterly Rock.

    Then Daenerys returns, I guess?

  3. Renly was a turd sandwich without the bread. He was literally in bed with the family (Tyrell) that laid seige to his own castle (Storm's End) during Robert's rebellion and almost starved Stannis and his men to death. I thought Stannis showed incredible patience with the traitorous, little scumbag…

  4. I would yield my claim if I were Renly because I didn't lose anything because if I'm currently the Lord of Storm's End, and Stannis offers me Lordship over Storm's End, I would take it. After all, I wouldn't trust Stannis could produce any more heir with his wive, as both of them were old.


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