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Game of Thrones: Season 2 – The Night’s Watch Oath (HBO)



  1. Anyone else thinks that some of these quotes being spoken when specific people are shown actually foreshadows some stuff about the characters?

    "Night gathers and now my watch begins" people exiting out of the wall
    "It shall not end until my death" shows Jon Snow (foreshadowing anyone?)
    "I shall take no wife" shows Robb Stark and Talisa (both died because Robb chose love over duty)
    "Hold no lands" shows Theon Greyjoy (who technically held lands, Winterfell to be exact, and then became Reek)
    "Father no children" shows Gendry (one of many of Robert Baratheon's bastards, and Robert died along with most of his bastards)
    "I shall wear no crowns" shows Joffrey Baratheon (technically Waters considering he's a bastard born out of incest) (who was a terrible king, and who also died)
    "And win no glory" shows Sansa Stark (who wanted to be royalty, but got suffering instead)
    "I shall live and die by my post" shows Jaime Lannister (who isn't dead, but is doing his duty at the moment)
    "I am the sword in the darkness" shows Daenerys Targaryen ("Fire and blood" anyone?)
    "I am the watcher on the walls" shows Jon Snow again
    "I am the shield that guards the realm of men" shows Tyrion Lannister (who's plans defended King's Landing from Stannis Baratheon) and Bronn (who shot the wildfire arrow that destroyed Stannis' ships)
    "I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch" shows a stone face crying bloody tears
    "For this nights and all the nights to come" shows Jon Snow again

    It's as if everyone who follows the Night's Watch oath survives (even Jon who got revived). Most of the other people who did something against the rules (even if they aren't Night's Watch members) died. Robb took a wife and died, Theon held lands and got tortured (Yara/Asha did suggest to him to ditch Winterfell, but he didn't), Joffrey wore a crown and died, Robert fathered children (though in this case it would be bastards) and died alongside many of his bastards, Sansa wanted glory and all she got was suffering, etc.

  2. The Oath will end when the Night's Watch stab Jon Snow to death and his body is burnt to make sure that the White Walkers don't get to change him. But the fire will cure him and bring him back to life and he will awaken and rise from the fire. While dead Ned Stark will tell him who he really is and introduce him to his father and mother Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark in heaven but they will tell him that he must regain the throne for the Targaryens. The resurrected Jon Targaryen will then led his wilding army to retake Winterfell and leave Sansa in charge as he heads to Dany. Once he finds Dany next season he will ride on his dragon while Dany rides on hers and they fly with the third dragon to Bran. Once Bran gets on the third dragon the 3 of them will go to war to defeat all the 5 kingdoms of Westeros and unite the all their armies to head north and defeat the White Walkers and end winter…….3 or 4 years from now.

  3. The stream starts, and so my spam begins. It shall not end until i am banned. I shall fear no mod, sub to no streamer. I shall live and die in the Chat. For i am the value in the bomber. I am the BM in the lethal. I am the salt in the defeat. I pledge my keyboard to the Chat, for this stream and all the streams to come.

  4. this is the complete version:
    "Night gathers and now my watch begins. It shall not end untill my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness, the watcher on the wall, the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of Men. I pledge my life to the Night's Watch for this night and all the nights to come".

  5. SPOILERS!!!

    So i guess the whole "until my death" part is the key word here. Red priests are rocking around bringing people back from the dead all over the place. And since Jon conviniently has Melissendre around when he has the unpleasent encounter with his brothers in book 5 i think, guess its easy to understand how he'll be freed from his vows. And then i suppose he becomes a very important character if the lineage theory about him being Aegon's and L Starks's son is correct.

  6. Incorrect. Stannis is the rightful king because of the right of conquest. In Westeros, if the throne is conquered, the lands go to the conquering family. Therefore, Stannis is the rightful king.

  7. Well, all if would take for Rhaegar and Lyanna is a willing septon. Now since he is the prince, I doubt a septon would take much convincing to marry them together.

  8. Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

  9. your opinion looks truly. we now only have to wait for Howland Reed to appear in the Saga.
    but still, Jon remains the brother of the Night's Watch and gave his Oath. The most interesting now is how he survived. I think it's something to do with Melisandra, not for nothing did George Martin keep her in the Castle Black

  10. The Starks are right eventually.. Winter *IS* coming… And with it… The Others.. The White Walkers.. Join the Night's Watch lads! Let's make Dragonglass swords and let's kick White Walker arse!


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